Leftist overreach will fail to remake the world

Every morning, the news headlines read like the taxonomic description of a brand-new political phylum.  Not only do we have the traditional clusters generic to abuse of power — intolerance of freedom, the criminal appropriation of the state by the latest oscillation of "woke" Davos robber barons and their ANTIFA-BLM thugs — but there has emerged an unprecedented efflorescence of hallucinatory, utopian "imagining."  I pinch my arm in a worthless attempt to convince myself I am not stuck in a lurid, cyborg hot-house phantasma.

This particular "Promised Land" ideology is altogether new, and it was incited by an act of insolence.  The natural world dared to presume that it could exist without permission from global monopolies, rogue states, and "woke" wobble-heads.  More galling for the above is that nature was defined, until now, almost universally as true, good, and even beautiful.

This "natural world entitlement" is anathema.  Postmodern university poachers have torn back its effrontery and exposed nature as deplorable, gender-bigoted, racist, privileged, and misogynist.  In order to be re-imagined as Gaia techno-girl hybrid, nature must be deconstructed and transformed.  To that delusive purpose, social and technology engineers, bureaucrats, science poseurs, and Davos global monopolists have begun a Great Reset, leading us, fully masked, bio-chipped, and vaccinated, to the Promised Land of Cockaigne.  There we stand on our heads; see by twinkling our toes; pass wind through our teeth (a skill the left has already perfected); dine on a cuisine of turds (by dint of reverse bio-engineering); reproduce in the laboratories of Planned Parenthood; and negotiate our environment via extrinsic and intrinsic gizmos, which can be manipulated from a remote government location, where they read our minds.  Throw away your novels.  Science fiction is fact.  Hooey is the new ontology.

It just goes to prove, contra Darwin, that intelligence is unnecessary for the evolution of an advanced societal nightmare.  Waning Western civilization may continue to exist as an appendix, limply projecting from the R&D center of the reimagined body politic — its colon.  Nothing will be lost.  After the near incineration of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, reconstruction is underway.  The restorers are installing an online holographic replica in addition to rehabilitating the hard copy.  What they cannot recover is the Christian faith, woven into the philosophic principles of rational logic, which built the cathedral in the first place.  Logos and faith are now condemned narratives of white privilege and therefore unthinkable to those who have locked down thinking.

However, the "woke" transgender, transhuman, transnational, and trans-nature transformers will be transient.  No one can transcend the transcendental!  Stamped into the infinite mystery of human consciousness is a recognition of eternal, transcendental entities, which may not be required for biological survival but are mandatory for the flourishing of the human soul (a category the postmodern necromancers don't believe in).

These transcendentals are our faith in love, truth, goodness, and beauty, which evades ultimate capture, even by Davos demagogues, Silicon Valley algorithms, and intersectionality cultists.  We may seek to participate in them.  We cannot manipulate them.

Disguised behind the messianic incantations accompanied by sanctimonious hand-wringing and acrimonious outrage, the new phylum of political operatives is preoccupied with a single agenda — its own profit through the manipulation of power.  The twenty-first century will be these people's epoch of stuff-ups, beginning with the Russia hoax, the COVID hoax, the global warming hoax, the international basic wage hoax, rampant geo-engineering, bio-engineering, nano-engineering, genetic-engineering, news engineering, mind-engineering, virtual reality–engineering, and vote-reconfiguration.  The engineer has out-schematized God.  The consequences will be catastrophic, as we are witnessing in the stolen election fiasco and the COVID hoax lockdown, with its massive loss of people's livelihoods, decline of mental health, reluctance to see the doctor, and the imposition of sheep conformity — except for the privileged perpetrators, of course.

Despite its enigmatic nature, whatever is not aligned to the transcendental quality of truth is a distortion and lacks sustainability, as Hitler and Stalin discovered.  Therefore, the entire Promised Land Reset design will ultimately fail.  A structure built on moral quicksand cannot stand.  God is not a social justice warrior!  If he had meant to create a boring, uniformly equal world, he wouldn't have botched the job to begin with by giving us consciousness and the freedom to think and make choices, including mistakes.  He would have created the bio-robotic dystopia that Davos tin-pot Olympians wish to reduce us to.

They will discover that the more they explore consciousness, in order to manipulate it, the more it will evade their intrusion.  As the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 stated, "[o]ne cannot note any similarity between creator and creature, however great, without being compelled to observe an ever-greater dissimilarity between them."  They don't see the infinite mystery.  The new political phylum can desecrate creation, but it cannot seize God, nor appropriate the transcendental gifts.  Those gifts will be exercised by people who cherish freedom, to destroy its "woke" deviant lunacy and vile hubris.

Notre Dame Cathedral is the symbolic appendix in the reimagined, "woke" body politic, tolerated as a museum relic but obsolete.  One day, it will flame up anew and burst, sweeping the Davos Olympians to an excruciating political peritonitis.  The sooner, the better.

Image: HD Documentaries via YouTube.

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