Media heap praise upon themselves as 'heroes' of 2020

Ace, at Ace of Spades, has uncovered a yucky little trend — the press seems to be intent on praising itself as the heroes of 2020.  He begins (edited for salty language):

#MediaStrong: Journalist Writes Letter Praising Fellow Journalists for the Strength and Courage They've Shown Sitting On Their Fat [Keisters] Placing Orders on GrubHub and Snarkin' on Twitter

How did our Courageous Journalists — who have not missed a single paycheck as they've reduced their already-light workload to near zero — manage to perform so heroically in 2020?

The list of self-praising tweets, calling out journalists as heroes (which is insulting as heck to police, firefighters, grocery store–stockers and clerks, food plant workers, and above all front-line medical personnel this year, all of whom deserve accolades) is incredibly long.  I shudder to think of the hours he must have spent on it.

Ace found this beaut among his huge string of others:

This is downright disgusting.

Never have journalistic standards been lower.  From CBS's once formidable 60 Minutes dismissing the Hunter Biden story as "not news" to Big Media's complicity with Big Social Media to cover up and, in the case of the New York Post, literally censor its news, never has the press disgraced itself more.  The media promoted the lies of Russia collusion, then the lies of impeachment, then the lies of COVID, and finally covered up for Joe Biden's corruption, opting instead to ask him about his ordered ice cream flavor, not his record of growing rich while in public office, or the computer evidence of Chinese and Russian influence-peddling.

As Ace notes, few lost their jobs, which is an ironic thing, given that few did their jobs.

They impressed no one.  After all, if you have to praise yourself to get any praise, maybe there's a reason for...not getting the praise.

It's not just failing to ask questions, nor censoring important stories, but by acting as a Praetorian guard for the Democrat party's slew of corrupt politicians, advancing that party's agenda like lackeys and janissaries.

This is not a record to be proud of; this is a record to be alarmed at.  The press has completely corporatized, sold out to China, and now does China's bidding.

Praise for that is nothing short of Orwellian.

Image credit: Pixabay public domain.

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