Media idolatry of Dr. Fauci becoming patently and verifiably absurd

Dr. Anthony Fauci is willing to lie about measures to control the Chinese virus in order to manipulate public opinion and is therefore an extremely useful tool for those who seek to shut down American as long as possible.  As Peter Barry Chowka discovered nine months ago, when he challenged the cult of personality being built around him, the mainstream media already were ready to viciously attack those who raised questions about Fauci.

Now that Fauci is moving the goalposts around herd immunity to preserve the lockdown, all sorts of phenomena are being attributed to him, as if he were a prime mover of the social universe, faintly resembling the cults built around Mao Tse-tung and Kim Il-sung.

Consider this BS being pushed by CBS News:

Medical schools see surge in applicants, thanks to "Fauci effect"

The article informs us:

Medical schools [sic] applications are surging, as the coronavirus outbreak prompts young people to reconsider health care professions.

Applications are up 18% nationwide to medical school nationwide, compared to the same period last year, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Using the passive voice, so nobody in particular is cited, CBS attributes this to St. Fauci:

It's been called the "Fauci effect," with academics attributing the surge to the visibility of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

If Fauci were actually behind this 18% rise, rather than generic factors, such as people at home having more time to fill out applications for higher education, then the rise in medical school applications would be substantially higher than for other professional training requiring an advanced degree.

So how does CBS explain this?

There's A Run On Law School, With Applicants And Applications WAY Up The total number of law school applicants is up 32 percent compared to this time last year, and the number of applications submitted thus far is up by almost 57 percent. According to the Law School Admission Council, applications are up at 194 of the 199 ABA-accredited law schools.

That means that the percentage rise in law school applications is 77% greater than the rise in med school applications.

I can guarantee you that CBS would never headline that Fauci's lies and changing positions have discouraged people from applying to med school compared to law school.  Or that people applying to law school reflect the "Sidney Powell effect."

Even if you think Fauci is an engaging old guy and kind of like him, this level of media BS about him ought to raise alarms.

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