The curse of the leftist crazy ladies strikes Rep. Dan Crenshaw

This crazy year has revealed that too many leftist women are irrational, emotional, vindictive, and unstable.  The latest, most disturbing example is a former military snowflake whose risible claims are being used to attack Rep. Dan Crenshaw.

I've written about unstable women during the BLM protests, during the presidential campaign, and during an anti-lockdown protest.  The crazy factor isn't limited to white women. Some powerful black women show it too.

Michigan state rep. Cynthia Johnson issued sinister threats to Trump-supporters.  U.S. rep. Ayanna Pressley vomited forth a Marxist word salad about COVID rates in blacks:

There are also crazy rich women.  Patricia Quillin, whose husband is Netflix's CEO, spent $2 million blocking California voters who tried to re-criminalize shoplifting, $1 million trying to legalize racial discrimination against Asians in the form of California's Prop. 16, and $1.5 million to elect George Gascón, who is turning Los Angeles into Mad Max land.

MacKenzie Scott is Jeff Bezos's ex-wife, and one of the world's richest women.  Scott has given $1.7 billion to front groups for Black Lives Matter and the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement.

Thomas Lifson wrote of Melinda Gates that she is "incredibly disappointed" that when President Trump, who is the president of the United States, issued his executive order about COVID vaccines, he put Americans' needs first.

And now there's the attempt to take down Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), who just stood up to Nancy Pelosi and who is a real fighter for conservative values.  He's being attacked for allegedly smearing a female Navy vet who accused a V.A. employee of sexual assault in a hospital lobby.

Here's the official rundown: the Navy vet is Andrea N. Goldstein, who is "Senior Policy Advisor for the Women Veterans Task Force with the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs."  Goldstein claimed she was sexually assaulted at a V.A. facility in Washington.  When the V.A. concluded that her claim did not justify action, she pushed the issue.  The V.A.'s Office of the Inspector General generated a 68-page report about the V.A.'s failure to take Goldstein seriously.  This includes an attack on Crenshaw for smearing Goldstein.

Here's what you don't know: Goldstein works for Rep. Mark Takano, a hard left, gay California Democrat who chairs the House V.A. Committee.  The "sexual assault" Goldstein reported was that a man "bumped his entire body against mine and told me I looked like I needed a smile and a good time."  The horror!

Dan Crenshaw had served in the same command with Goldstein.  He informed the V.A. secretary that Goldstein "had previously filed frivolous complaints."  In a court of law, this would be called evidence of a "pattern and practice."  The V.A. secretary may have considered this information in dismissing Goldstein's allegation.

And it's her response to the V.A.'s initial refusal to act on her claims that highlights Goldstein's crazy leftist woman factor.  Here's her description of the deep psychic wound she experienced (emphasis mine):

Two weeks ago, I learned that the case had been closed because there was insufficient evidence to prove a criminal case beyond a reasonable doubt. Most significantly, a camera that might have captured the incident was not working. The next day the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie, wrote a letter to my boss, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Congressman Mark Takano, in which he wrote, "We believe that VA is a safe place for all Veterans to enter and receive care and services, but the unsubstantiated claims raised by you and your staff could deter our Veterans from seeking the care they need and deserve."

Upon reading the letter, and this phrase, I hid in a stairwell in the Longworth House Office Building and began to shake with rage and horror.

He used coded language, but the words still stung. The Secretary of the second largest federal agency knew how his words would resonate. He was implying that a fellow Navy veteran was a liar. He was implying that I was a liar.

Think about it: this snowflake was once part of America's frontline defense system.  Women who define everything as sexual assault leech credibility and energy away from serious, very real sexual assault issues in the military.  And in this particular case, the leftists are using this neurotic snowflake's risible claims to destroy one of the most effective conservative congressmen in America.

Image: Dan Crenshaw indicts Nancy Pelosi.  Twitter screen grab.

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