The piercing injustice of loan 'forgiveness'

According to Yahoo Finance, Biden is already being pressured to forgive $50,000 per person in student loan debt by executive order.  According to the Yahoo article, Chuck Schumer assures Biden that he doesn't need Congress; all he needs is the "flick of a pen."

This tactic is right out of the Democrat playbook.  One of their core principles seems to be the elimination of any responsibility for free-will choices and actions.  You see that approach in this issue of student debt, the issue of abortion, and to a large extent in the vast welfare state.

Here's the problem: it's impossible to make the consequences of free-will choices and actions simply evaporate into nothingness.  Those consequences still exist — they're just borne by other innocent individuals.

Canceling student loans will merely shift more of the burden of funding the government onto taxpayers.  It can be no other way.  And it will also unfairly burden those who have worked hard, saved, and paid for their own — or their children's — education.  I'll wager they won't get any reimbursement for the tuition they paid with their own money.

Abortion simply shifts the consequences of free-will choices and actions onto innocent unborn children, who must pay those consequences with their lives.

And the vast welfare state simply shifts the consequences of poor choices and actions onto productive taxpayers — i.e., people who made wise choices and actions.

So consequences seem to be eternal and immutable.  They cannot be destroyed — only shifted onto another innocent party.  And that is fundamentally unjust.  It is unjust for an innocent person to bear the consequences of another person's foolish choices and actions.

Or...if loan forgiveness is OK, why shouldn't the government simply give all of us $50,000 each?  Because, in truth, that's what it will have done to the students whose loans are forgiven.  The government simply gave them $50,000 of free money.

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