The RINOs and the election

Trump's landslide victory is being stolen in plain sight.  Yet to say merely that is to oversimplify.  It's not about Trump; it's not about who is president; it's not about which party wins and which party loses.  It's about the rule of law and whether the next president will be a constitutionally elected leader or an illegitimate pretender.  It's about whether the Constitution will be upheld or will just fade away under continuous assault.  It's about whether we will be the land of the free or the home of the enslaved.

If Congress cannot ascertain that there were free and fair elections in any given state, it can and must reject electors derived from an illegitimate process.  If no candidate receives 270 votes in the Electoral College, the choice of president devolves to Congress, in a format where the Republicans dominate, 26 to 24.  Trump wins.  No court can negate that entirely constitutional process.

We have seen nakedly corrupt elections in several states.  Based on abundant evidence and on unlawful and unconstitutional actions by government officials, not to mention numerous statistical impossibilities, these elections cannot be certified in good faith.  Some weak sister Republicans will cower, go along with the media, and fall into place, foolishly hoping for good press.  The ball is in the court of the legislatures of these states, most of which are majority-GOP.  These legislatures have the constitutional authority to refuse to validate the corrupt results.  If they do so, it is unlikely that Congress would accept the illegitimate electors.  If electors chosen by fraudulent means are excluded, Congress makes its own choice.  So the power to elect the president and to preserve our constitutional form of government lies in the hands of GOP legislators in these swing states and in the Congress.

We know what the radical Dems have promised.  The effects will be catastrophic.  The pain will be intense.  The anger of the cheated electorate will grow and grow.  When the next primary rolls around, what will be the fate of a GOP legislator who voted to uphold a travesty of an election and to hand power to a lawless party that manifestly stole the election?  He will be primaried and defeated; if he somehow whistles past that graveyard, Trump voters will stay home on Election Day, and he will lose.  I hope these poor fools don't think they will get Dem votes by stabbing Trump and his supporters in the back; even they couldn't be that dumb.

When the issue moves to Congress, the same principle applies.  Those who fail in their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution by rejecting corrupt electors will soon be in forced retirement.

We are now at a time when all good people must do their duty and uphold their oaths.  And for those too cowardly and weak to do their sworn duty, their time is short.  If they think Trump voters will forget, they have learned nothing in the last four years.

One positive result of such fecklessness would be the elimination of RINOs from the ranks of elected legislators entirely, a consummation devoutly to be wished.  But the price is too high.  The radical Dems will inflict terrible pain and suffering on the American people as well as implement changes to ensure that they can steal all future elections.  They have plainly said so.  Although they rarely tell the truth, this time, we must believe them.

So the 64-trillion-dollar question is this: will the RINOs fall on their swords for China Joe Biden?  Or will self-preservation wake them up?  Upon this question hangs the fate of our Republic.

Image: Fibonacci blue.

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