The Supreme Court is not so supreme lately

On Friday, December 11, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a Texas lawsuit charging rampant election fraud in the recent presidential election.  The Supremes took a pass on hearing the plaintiffs' argument, evaluating the facts of the case and making a decision that might have altered the course of history.  In my opinion, the 2020 election was a sham, and the Supremes dodged the opportunity to support the Constitution and protect our Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.  Unfortunately, seven of the judges forgot that the motto etched on the east side of the Supreme Court building boldly states, "Justice, the Guardian of Liberty." 

The guardian of liberty was nowhere to be found on December 11.  The debacle of their decision to dodge the case and hide in their offices reminded me of a scene in the movie Scent of a Woman.  Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino) chooses to defend a student (Charlie) who refused to snitch on his friends who dumped paint on the headmaster's car.  On the other side is George, who committed the crime but lied to avoid doing the time.  George is protected by his rich father.

In my scenario, Lt. Colonel Frank Slade represents seventy-four million disenfranchised Trump voters and appears before the full Supreme Court.  Slade might have said, "What kind of a sham are you running here?  When I came in here today, I saw the motto 'Justice, the Guardian of Liberty.'  Well, I'm here to tell you that justice was not served in this hallowed hall.  Guardian of Liberty?  You have one job-to guard the integrity of our constitution.  Instead, you ran away and took the easy way out because the alternative was just too damn hard.  Your cowardice today weakened our precious nation.  The only Supremes who exhibited courage were Justice Samuel Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas.  I would gladly go into battle with them because I can trust them to stand and fight.  If I was on this Supreme Court, I would have taken a flamethrower to those four states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia) who carelessly corrupted this election and trashed our constitution.  And Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barret, shame on you."    

Antonin Scalia once said, "We had to do something [in Bush v. Gore], because countries were laughing at us.  France was laughing at us."[1]  Well, the whole world is now laughing at us.  China is laughing; Russia is laughing; and yes, France is laughing.  They hear that Joe Biden received 80 million votes.  Are you kidding me?

The United States of America is supposed to be this shining beacon on a hill.  Instead, the Supremes have turned us into a banana republic and killed our soul. 

[1] Antonin Scalia, The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court

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