The terrible sting of betrayal

This election-stealing business has such a blatant "in your face" feel to it, like a sticky-handed child covered in chocolate denying that he took the candy.  A theft of this magnitude would not be possible without a humongous amount of betrayal, and we have quite a few people to thank for that.

Now we understand Hidin' Biden and Kamala's pathetic low-energy, low-turnout campaign.  They did not need the inconvenience of pretending they were even a smidge qualified to run the country since the fix was in.  All Joe had to do was bumble off a few lame platitudes from time to time with enough cohesiveness to get by.  Strangely enough, even this proved difficult.  Kamala barely showed up, which was fine by all, since her screechy, preachy manner is repulsive to most living beings.  Nobody who loves our country will ever trust them or think them legitimate.  

The media, including social media: Unfortunately, we have come to expect lies, omissions, and propaganda from the mainstream outlets, but the harsh betrayal from Fox News is what really stung.  It is true that the network has been leaning left of center for some time, but who would have thought the people running Fox would be the biggest betrayers of all on Election Night?  The double standard for calling Arizona for Biden when the counting had a long way to go and not calling Florida or Texas for Trump when it was clear that he was the winner makes Fox more responsible for election-tampering than any other media outfit.  They turned the tides on Trump and are deserving of the viewer hemorrhaging taking place.  They will never recover their lost audience. 

RINOs and NeverTrumps: What can be said about these backstabbing frauds?  They have made a deal with the devil and have sacrificed their honor and any conservative principles they may have possessed at one time.  This group, by the way, includes Trump's fair-weather friends who once exhibited a semblance of loyalty but now are downplaying the theft of an American election in order to suck up to the other side.  These turncoats will be regulated to the trash bin of phony conservatives and will never be accepted by either party.

Do not forget: it was not only outside forces tampering with this election, but also our fellow so-called Americans.  These traitors stood directly on the battle lines defying election laws by denying poll observers, filling out extra ballots with false names, destroying ballots for Trump, tampering with computer software, and transporting illegal ballots across state lines.  They have betrayed their country in a most profound way.  Their actions in undermining a free and fair election are reprehensible, and they will forever be looked upon with a suspicious eye. 

The sting of betrayal leaves a mark, and this one feels deeper than any we've experienced as a country.  More than half of us will never forget those who deceived us and will likely regard all those complicit with the contempt and disgust they deserve. 

Image: GDJ, Pixabay.

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