Well done, Aggieland

As the father of a couple of Aggies, we generally follow Texas A&M stories in our home.

This is a story that caught my eye recently:

Campus Reform reported that Texas A&M Students For Trump President Dion Okeke was notified by the university's Student Conduct Office that he was "required" to meet with the office after he and other members put up pro-Trump signs on campus. If he did not attend the meeting, the letter he received stated, he could face student conduct "charges."

The university has now canceled the meeting and issued a statement of apology.

Happy ending.

The university apparently sent him a template letter and then walked it back.  Between the first letter and the apology, Texas A&M danced around the issue and confused everyone.

The bad news is that a harmless pro-Trump sign got someone angry.  The good news is that the administration recognized its error and apologized.

The First Amendment lives at Texas A&M!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image: Texas A&M.

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