A Canadian view on the US political fiasco

Peaceful protest is a right exercised by most of the recent Washington protesters.  Indeed, we can understand why they were there, given the contentiousness of November's presidential vote.

I watched it all from here in Nova Scotia, in Canada.

It is indeed regrettable that most of the media, educational establishment (public school and post-secondary), government sector, corporate world, and Big Tech, not to mention the arts, science, and entertainment sectors, and even professional sports tilt left, sometimes even far left.  Little tolerance is shown for the First Amendment and those with disparate views.  Rather than live and let live, these "woke" elites seek to silence, censor, shame, embarrass, humiliate, slander, impugn, libel, and even fire those with whom they disagree.  Theirs is a cancel culture seeking to strip freedoms from the rest of us.

Suffice it to say, peaceful protesters in Washington represent approximately seventy-five million voters whose voices are frequently denied by those cited above.  Whatever can be said about President Trump, he listened to this demographic and treated its members with respect.

By the way, why don't the mainstream media go after Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters the way they attack Trump-supporters?  Two possible answers: One, they are cowards or, two, they actually agree with BLM and Antifa.  Imagine that!  They might actually agree with revolutionary Marxists!  Of course, they might be merely useful idiots.

Anyway, we are in bad times, which I fear can only get worse.  Look for a Biden administration to appease China, Iran (an opting back in to the Iran deal — a horrible mistake!), criminals, enviro-radicals (Paris agreement here we come), Antifa (no terrorist designation for them), and Black Lives Matter, while distancing themselves from Israel.

Expect the incoming administration to kill Keystone XL, the fracking industry, and, where possible, a good chunk of the remaining fossil fuel industry, while wasting billions of dollars on green schemes.  And look for more censorship aided and abetted by their pals in Big Tech. 

Also, Democrats may try to stack the Supreme Court with justices who do not respect the Constitution as it is written, preferring instead to treat it as a "living document" and making up laws as they go along, thereby subverting the Legislative Branch.  Finally, President Biden's health deficits will only get worse, which means Kamala Harris will be sworn in as president sooner than many think.

Be all of that as it may, protest is inevitable when large swaths of the population are invalidated and believe they are denied a fair shake.  And with Trump's defeat, there is one fewer politician who will defend such freedoms as speech and individual liberty.

But on a final note, we must acknowledge that Biden won the election.  It would be absolutely wrong (morally and ethically) to overrule the Electoral College.  And even as I believe there was electoral fraud that was substantial enough to flip the result, the Trump team was ultimately unable to prove that by legal means and must accept the court's rulings or refusals to rule.  On the bright side, Republicans have reason to hope for better things in 2022, given their 2020 gains in the House and their continued success at the state level.

Image credit: Pixabay public domain.

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