Bye-bye, 230

Over the last year, we saw cities burn, police stations destroyed, and now an attack on the Capitol.

What do they have in common?  All of them were planned, executed, and shown "live" on social media.

Who can forget people "broadcasting" from top of a burned police car from Minneapolis or texting about marching here or there?  Did you catch all of those photos on Instagram?  Or videos on Twitter?

All of these events happened because social media are now a loaded weapon in the hands of a lot of reckless people.  By the way, this is why I dropped Twitter — because I wasn't learning a thing about anything.  All I saw on Twitter was one group hating the other group.  And regrettably, Twitter's leadership has now decided which group gets to hate and which group doesn't.

This is from The Dallas Morning News:

As things stand now, Amazon, Apple and Google are making decisions about which social media companies are worthy of existing. Parler may be a pit of dangerous lies, gross conspiracies and open sedition. 

But if you don't think Twitter offers up the same material, you haven't been to Twitter lately. 

Why should one company be granted status over another by Big Tech gatekeepers?

So Congress should revisit Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.

This is 2021 and not 1996.  It's irresponsible to give social media companies immunity from liability today.

Twitter and Facebook are no longer platforms!  They are now major political players censoring public opinion.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image credit:, Public Domain.

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