Churchill and President Trump, both betrayed from within

As I watch “The Darkest Hour,” a 2017 Academy Award-nominated film, the similarity between the betrayal of Prime Minister Winston Churchill by those around him as well as U.K. voters, and President Trump becomes starkly apparent.

Churchill was surrounded by backstabbing appeasers, think Neville Chamberlain, and weak-sisters like Lord Halifax while President Trump has not only been backstabbed by appeasers like Mitch McConnell (another China lackey) and weak-sisters like Obama, who favors appeasing countries like Iran (state sponsor of global terrorism) over the United States.

Churchill was handed a disaster in 1940, the result of decades of “peace at any cost” clowns like Chamberlain, who allowed the British military to rot and wither. When the military was desperately needed, Dunkirk happened, like Benghazi happened, thanks to feckless and incompetent leaders like Atlee, Chamberlain, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.

May 1945. Germany surrenders, Hitler took the coward’s way out, and Churchill took England from the brink of disaster to ultimate victory. January 2017. President Trump takes over a faltering economy, stagnated by Democrat policies, conceived by idiots and implemented by minions so corrupt that they would embarrass the devil himself at the depths of their perfidy.

President Trump took over amidst a country overrun by illegal aliens, corrupt politicians on both sides, rampant crime, domestic terrorists like Antifa and BLM, a failing rule of law, and of course, a skyrocketing national debt that decades of politicians kicked the can down the road on, doing nothing but spend, tax, spend, rinse and repeat.

Churchill, the Roaring Lion of England, loses in a landslide victory for Clement Atlee, in May 1945. This is the same man who once stated:

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”

Thus the Lion lost to a sheep. On Jan. 6, 2021, President Trump lost to a Chinese lackey, who never stopped at selling anything and everything, including the United States, to the highest bidder. Churchill was a man for the people, and President Trump was cut from the same bolt of cloth. Both possessed courage and smarts in abundance, making politicians like Lord Halifax, Clement Atlee, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, etc., look like they arrived on scene in an overstuffed clown car.

How could a sheep beat an English Lion and a bought-and-paid-for Chinese lackey beat an American Eagle? Both men enjoyed a high approval rating (Churchill 83% in May 1945 and President Trump, a 60% plus approval rating, which continues to be very high) despite skewed and false polls. However, by June, Churchill’s number were dropping, President Trump’s not at all. Indeed, at least some polls have shown that his numbers grew after the Antifa attack on the Capitol, no doubt egged on by the Deep Swamp, much as the Labour Party sabotaged Churchill.

Both men identified their nation’s enemies and took steps to defeat them but the legion of backstabbers, liars, con men (think Chuck Schumer), and the corruptocrats ruled the day, swayed by power, bribes (think China Joe Biden), and quite simply, envy of a man that they knew they were not fit to shine his shoes.

How did history repeat itself?

Both Winston Churchill and President Trump spoke their minds, never sugar-coating the bad news, Churchill speaking over the radio while President Trump used social media such as Twitter to air his views, going straight to the people, bypassing the many courtiers whose liveihood in Washington D.C. depended upon kissing the backsides of any politician within lip-smacking distance. Note the brashness of Churchill’s speech to the outer ring:

“Some might benefit, I mean, the powerful might be able to parlay good terms, uh, preserved in their country redoubts, out of sight of the swastika flying over, over, Buckingham Palace, over Windsor, and uh, draped on these very buildings…”

Consider how President Trump said much of the same thing in his speeches and rallies, which, like Churchill, annoyed and angered the rich and powerful, the Deep Swamp critters like the clowns in the Lincoln Project. Remember that Chuck Schumer once said, “let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” and how much it did to undercut and sabotage a man who not only worked for the country but went so far as donating his salary to charity, something that no president ever did.

Indeed, like President Trump, Churchill was sabotaged by lies, including this whopper, “the East End of London was flooded with rumors that he [Churchill] was planning a war against Russia.” The Democrats mewled in 2016/17 that President Trump would start World War III and thus, started an avalance of lies, innuendo, and plain outright slander. And some people lapped it up like a cat lapping up cream.

In conclusion, it is blatantly evident that both Prime Minister Churchill and President Trump were sabotaged, undermined, and plainly backstabbed by men and women, i.e., Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, Liz Cheney, etc., who, in reality, were not and never could be, in a thousand years, fit to do the laundry of either man. They will live forever in history, as great men, while the miscreants and lesser humans, on both sides of the aisle, will be quickly forgotten. Perhaps Sam Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, said it best: “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”


Image credit: Library of Congress, via Wikimedia Commons, public domain


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