COVID politics looking ugly as 2021 kicks into gear

When it comes to COVID treatments and deaths, countries that used hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) early and often for COVID-19 like Nigeria and India (produces 70% of the world supply) have seen few COVID deaths and no pandemic.  By around mid-April, it became apparent that the primary cause of COVID-19 deaths was the internal inflammation resulting from a sepsis-type overreaction by the body's auto-immune system (AKA a cytokine storm).  Apparently, COVID-19 has exceptionally strong cytokine storm–triggering properties, and susceptibility to this type of reaction is greatest for the elderly.  The anti-inflammatory properties of HCQ can help treat COVID-19 if taken as a preventative or administered early before severe symptoms develop.

HCQ does not kill the coronavirus.  It and other anti-inflammatory drugs work by calming the cytokine storm reaction.  Once calmed, the auto-immune system can work properly to develop the necessary antibodies that actually kill the virus. 

The new vaccines promise some relief, but politics has made the rollout slower than hoped.  In the interim, are more severe lockdowns the only solution?  Since April, several other readily available drugs having anti-inflammatory properties were found to be helpful in treating COVID-19, but their off-label use is not necessarily FDA-approved.  Most appear effective to varying degrees for more advanced stages of COVID than is HCQ.  The list includes Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Budesonide, Ivermectin, Tocilizumab, and most recently Melatonin.  In September 2020, the WHO approved the first three drugs for treating COVID.

My wife and I are over 70 and simultaneously developed flu-like symptoms about March 1.  Only she tested positive for the seasonal flu.  Our family doctor immediately prescribed Tamiflu for both.  It helped reduce our symptoms quickly, but a dry cough (a common symptom of COVID) persisted for a couple more weeks.  Perhaps we unknowingly had a mild case of COVID.  (There was no test available at the time.) 

I only recently learned that my wife was privileged to be among the 877 influenza cases nationwide the CDC reported as of December 27.  Is it remotely possible that fewer than 1,000 people in the U.S. had the seasonal flu, or were many cases erroneously diagnosed as COVID?  The extremely low seasonal flu count probably explains why Tamiflu sales nationwide were also down in 2020.  Tamiflu helped us and could possibly be useful for COVID if administered early enough.  Apparently, only a few are investigating.

Besides the insignificant number of reported cases of the seasonal flu, deaths from heart attacks, cancer, and other common causes of death are similarly down.  One possible monetary incentive for the high count of COVID diagnosis is that hospitals get a much higher reimbursement for COVID deaths and hospitalizations.   Conversely, political opportunists on the left have apparently succeeded in using COVID fear to facilitate the weakening of voting safeguards that appears to have enabled industrial-scale vote fraud and a Biden presidential victory.   

The continuing COVID fear and economic chaos from overzealous lockdowns may also pave the way for the WEF's radical Great Reset scheme of a one-world-government socialist utopia.  On group's home page, Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman, says, "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."  Trump is on record against it, and without the U.S., it will surely fail, but Biden/Harris will likely go along.  Twenty twenty-one is shaping up to be an even more transformative year.

Mark Twain must have been a clairvoyant regarding both COVID-19 and vote fraud media coverage.  He said, "The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on the subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

Image via Pickpik.

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