Hurting the girls by helping the boys?

Over the years, I have seen a few high school track and field events.  As I remember, the girls were over here and the boys over there.  They competed separately because they are physically different.

Enter Biden and his new executive order about something called "transgenders."  This is from Ramona Tausz:

The Biden presidency, we're told, is a historic win for women. With Kamala Harris as his Madam Vice President and a record number of women in his Cabinet, the new commander in chief is advancing the female cause. "This is what breaking the glass ceiling looks like," Sen. Amy Klobuchar enthused on Inauguration Day.

As is often the case, the gratuitous symbolic victories distract from more significant, material losses. Hours after Harris became the first female vice president, Biden signed an executive order that discriminates against her entire sex.

The directive, titled "Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation," spells disaster for women's shelters, sports and health care in the name of transgender equality.

For instance: Institutions that receive Title IX funding must allow biological males who identify as female to compete in women's athletics. "Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to ... school sports," the order states.

This is awful.  Nobody is denying children "access" to school sports.  We're just saying boys and girls are different — i.e., boys are bigger and stronger, and it's just biology, not a violation of civil rights.

Furthermore, did any of this come up during the "basement campaign"?  Did any reporter ask then-candidate Biden about his plans to do this?

Well, let's just say the "devout Catholic" has a long list to go to confession about, from abortion to now confusing boys and girls.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Pixabay.

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