Impeachment 2.0? Careful, Dems!

Madame Pelosi is threatening to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump this week.  But if House Democrats go along and pass an article of impeachment, the process will not go as they may imagine. 

Since the charge would be incitement to riot, and the president has demonstrably never called for violence in any way, the basis of the indictment can only be that Trump incited violence by repeatedly claiming that the November election was rigged and that he was the legitimate victor.  (The same claim has essentially been made already by those like Sen. Patty Murray, who have blamed Senators Hawley and Cruz for inciting the Capitol Hill riot just by objecting to the legitimacy of the electors.)

This means that the central issue of the trial will be the president's claims of election fraud.  Short of reversing the election itself, such a trial would be the best thing President Trump could hope for and the worst thing for the election's declared winners.  The critical element of the president's defense would be the exposure of all the evidence for fraud, of which there is a lot, and a lot that the MSM has so far kept from wide circulation and discussion.  What a platform for Team Giuliani.  I almost wish they'd try it.

Image: Master Steve Rapport.

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