In defense of AT’s decision to suspend comments

As a longtime contributor to American Thinker, I want to step in to defend Thomas Lifson’s decision to suspend the comments section here.  I don’t believe for one minute that this was a decision that Thomas made gladly or without compelling cause.    

Let me say I fully share readers disappointment at closing the comments section, and the anger is understandable, though I believe we need to direct it toward the real enemy.  I deeply appreciate and have learned from comments posted by readers of my articles, and I thank them.      

I began writing for American Thinker over a dozen years ago.  I was attracted to this forum because of the brilliance of the concept: permitting citizens from all walks of life to provide analysis, opinion, and deeper reflection about the issues of the day.  By so doing, Thomas has greatly demonstrated that America is a land rich with wonderfully insightful minds, minds dedicated to liberty and the American Way.  He’s empowered folks like myself, who would otherwise have had no significant outlet for expression.  Through the years, Thomas -- and, subsequently, his talented team -- have grown American Thinker into a recognized and respected brand, thereby giving the contributions here greater exposure.   

His brainchild has been an eloquent and powerful challenge to the fossil media, barnacle-encrusted “progressive” think tanks, leftist-controlled universities, and stilted elites on either coast -- all who suffer conceits and disdain us “proles.”

In the early days, Thomas edited my writing.  His support, advice, and promotion of my articles made me a far better writer and was quite generous.  I doubt I’m the only contributor who has so benefited. 

As I’ve written in recent weeks, we’re at war.  It’s a highly unconventional, asymmetric war.  Currently, the enemies of liberty enjoy formidable advantages.  Big Tech is only one powerful faction arrayed against us.  If we rush headlong at them, we play into their hands and will surely lose.  Our aim at this juncture is to buy time.  We need to be shrewdly tactical.  George Washington spent the better part of the Revolution in tactical retreats.  Sam Houston wisely chose not to engage Santa Anna in battle until the right moment.  Tactical retreat isn’t defeat.  It’s part of smart warfare.

In the days ahead, we’ll face more challenges, trials, and, yes, setbacks.  The time ahead is fraught with dangers.  I’m convinced that this fight is the most momentous in our nation’s life: Will liberty and republican government perish or be restored and made stronger?  So, let’s stay united.  Let’s together, among us patriots, build strengths and find ways to effectively take the fight to the enemy.  May God bless us all and grant us final victory.  

J. Robert Smith can be found on Parler @JRobertSmith, when Parler returns, and is new to Gab, again @JRobertSmith.  He also blogs at Flyover.           


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