Jim Richerson cancels PGA Tournament at Trump's golf course

PGA of America president Jim Richerson just announced that the PGA of America terminated the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump's golf course in Bedminster, N.J.  The PGA will suffer in the long run.  Sports should be above politics, not controlled by politics.

Pulling Bedminster out of the PGA tournament for political reasons will hurt the game more than staying in the tournament.  But what's really hurting the game of golf is not what is happening in national or local politics, but the demeanor of the players.  

It's the egocentric marquee names like Phil Mickelson and Justin Thomas, vying for millions in prize money while playing in places like Hawaii on courses average Joe can't play at all, or for a week's salary, but who huff and puff after a "poor" shot.  

Mickelson has shown his childish side and smiles only when winning.  He's the one who deliberately breaks the rules by, e.g., putting angrily before the ball comes to a complete rest as a show of protest that the course up is too difficult for his less than stellar putting skills under pressure.  And Justin Thomas uttering "faggot" on national TV.  A disgrace!  Have you banned him from playing even one event?  I guess Justin's "apology" was good enough for you, and could we ever criticize part-time smiler Phil?

It is my learned guess you've been pressured to dump Trump's course by someone or some organization more powerful than you, thus threatening your TV contracts, and like a tent on Everest, you fold.  Money is King! 

Why do you think people tune in to sports?  Psy 101 provides the answer: it's an escape, a diversion from painful mostly corrupt realities like Washington politicians.  Did you learn nothing from the NFL taking a knee blowback, or the NBA China connection?  Do you think Trump is Badman Orange?  Wait to see what the Dems have in store for Americans.  

Shame on you and your faux social justice warrior posture.  Dwight D. Eisenhower, an avid golfer, had courage.  So does Donald Trump.  Where is the PGA's courage?

Image: Pixabay

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