Munchausen by (government) Proxy

Munchausen by Proxy is an official mental health diagnosis given to someone who, as a caregiver, convinces the person in his care that he is ill when he really isn’t. The net result is the caregiver has total control over his charge and can even go so far as to cause his charge to be ill to fit the narrative. 

We who live in blue and, to some extent, purple states are victims of this syndrome, with state governments acting as the (mentally disturbed) caregivers, and the citizens, collectively, as patients. Many of the patients have been convinced that they are, in fact, being protected by their persecutors.

Liberal media (and, at this point, that means virtually all uncensored media) shuts down any factual discussion of what works and what doesn’t to stem the Wu Flu. If you examine the actual statistics, lockdowns a la California and New York have yielded no better results and it could be argued, much worse in terms of cases and hospitalizations, than more open states such as Florida and Texas.

Where schools are allowed to function normally, there have been no more reported cases than in those where children languish at home, preventing parents from earning a living and learning their lessons haphazardly by remote Zoom “class”. What is most striking about the difference between these states, is that the closed ones have a far higher incidence of drug abuse and overdoses, child abuse, poverty, and suicide from despair.

Many of us know someone who died from (or with) COVID, or has had severe COVID and recovered, or has lingering problems from long term COVID. We’ve been fed this as an excuse, along with claims about ICU bed shortages. It’s fear, fear, and more fear!

Personally, I don’t know a soul who’s died from COVID, although I hear about friends of friends who have. But if you think about it, you also know someone, or many someones, who have died from other things. Take cancer, for instance. I know many people who have died of cancer. My mother, my grandmother, my friends Marion and Jeff, my old dental hygienist, my mother-in-law, my childhood best friend, the guy two houses from me, the guy two houses in the other direction, a friend’s husband, and the list goes on.

People get sick, people die. It happens. People get in accidents and die too. Have we stopped living our lives to keep from having that happen? Have we ever even considered doing so? Never!

Only for COVID. So, think about it. Ask yourself, why is there so little real information to make one’s own decision, and why are we denied opportunities to make our own decisions? Why have we gone from 14 days to “flatten the curve” so we can ramp up hospital capacity to cope with the expected influx, to a year of living by not living at all, with no end in sight?

Even before having a vaccine we’ve known that those who are going to get this thing are, yes, going to get it sooner or later. The vaccine may change the equation, but only for the better. That’s the way pandemics work. Either you get it over with, and reach herd immunity, or you live your life scared to allow anyone to look at your face, get within breathing distance, or educate your children in person.

Early treatment would make the effects of the virus much less, but as discussed here, that is not the model our health bureaucracy espouses. An elegant and sensible solution would be to allowing those who have serious co-morbidities to get vaccinated or stay cloistered from society and supported financially as needed, while the rest of us get on with life. But that’s not what’s happening in the Munchausen by Proxy states.

There is, quite simply, a vested interest in keeping us afraid and at home, masked and silenced. This must be ended, and those of us who disagree with the locked-down version of half-life in these United States must speak our minds while we still have the freedom to do so. The more people do, the better.

IMAGE: Scary medical people by Pxhere. CC0 Public Domain.

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