Only prosecutions can ensure future election integrity

Nations in Action, a good-government advocacy group, reports that a prosecutor in Naples is working on a case involving hacking of the U.S. presidential election by a foreign power.

Sadly, that prosecutor works in Naples, Italy, not Naples, Florida.

An attorney in the case has issued an affidavit attesting that Arturo D'Elia, an Italian tech expert working "under instruction and direction of U.S. persons working from the U.S. Embassy in Rome," used cyber-systems satellites to switch votes in what would have been a "significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden[.]"

D'Elia was the head of I.T. for Leonardo SpA, the tenth largest defense company in the world.  Its U.S. division, which contributes more than half of the company's revenues, is headed, coincidentally, by William Lynn III, a former undersecretary of defense during the Clinton administration.

Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte and U.S. ambassador to Italy Lewis Eisenberg may have been personally involved in this voting heist, according to Riccardo Corsetto of L'Unico newspaper.

Imagine a prime minister, an ambassador, and a defense giant conspiring to take down an American president.  It sounds like a Tom Clancy thriller, but I've seen nothing about this in the media.  General Michael Flynn has commented on this case, but his video was removed by YouTube.

It would be comforting to think our FBI and Department of Justice are investigating this, but they don't comment on pending cases, so we have no way of knowing.  In any event, the Biden administration is unlikely to pursue any leads.  U.S. justice is less transparent than Italian justice.

We needn't depend solely on the federal government, however.  Local prosecutors can work the case from the ground up by investigating the very public violations of election laws in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and elsewhere, and indicting local election officials as appropriate.

Such prosecutions would send a message across America: if you break election law, you will be punished.  Threatened with prison terms, local officials will implicate those higher up the chain who gave them their instructions.  Ultimately, we may discover the true extent of this conspiracy to overturn an election for the president of the United States.

At the very least, a string of prosecutions will help ensure that future elections will be counted honestly.

Let's pray that there are a few prosecutors out there who are as appalled by U.S. election fraud as this fellow in Naples, Italy.

Image: Pixabay.

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