Own goal: Trump's stature rises since Twitter shut down his account

Whenever leftists get their way, there are always unintended consequences.

It's not just the disasters of socialism, or the nightmare of social engineering; it's also in the smug, self-satisfied smirks of techno-punks, who shut President Trump's Twitter account down, proudly playing censor.

Here's the latest unintended from that: President Trump's stature is rising.

According to The Hill:

Former President Trump's standing among Republicans has slightly improved since leaving office, with about half of GOP respondents indicating in a new poll they'd like to see him play a significant role in the party's future.

Fifty percent of Republican voters polled in the new Morning Consult survey said Trump should play a "major role" in the party, an increase of 9 percentage points since his supporters rioted at the U.S. Capitol after he addressed them and repeated unproven claims of election fraud. 

Women drove the uptick with a 15-point surge among likely GOP female voters who say they wish to see Trump as a key player in the party's future. 

Wednesday's survey also found 81 percent of Republicans have positive views of Trump, with more than half saying they hold strong feelings on the issue. On the night before his second impeachment by the U.S. House over his role in the rioting, 76 percent of Republicans said they viewed him favorably. 

Sure, that's just Republicans, but since Trump came along, it's not your father's Republicans.  And it may be a trend that extends to at least independents.

Yes, the little punks who run Twitter were mighty proud of themselves for shutting the leader of the free world down.  Their trained seals in the press beat their flippers in approval.  Their outrageous act against Trump not only drew blasts of condemnation from quarters as diverse as German chancellor Angela Merkel, the ACLU, and Russian dissident Alexey Navalny, but drove the value of their stock down.  Yet it left them unperturbed.  With Trump shut down, and Twitter's coevals in the social media world following, it seems they really did what they always wanted to do, which was silence Donald Trump, fully expecting they could make him go away and get forgotten.

Well, they were in for a surprise.

A silenced Trump, and sure enough, his stature rises.

It calls to mind that much of what had been written about Trump during the 2020 campaign was that voters liked his program but couldn't stand his tweets.  Half his presidency was spent in handwringing about his tweets, and let's face it: Trump's tweets oftentimes did get pretty uncontrolled.  While many appreciated this, because it was raw and real and unclouded by creepy public relations spin, others hated those tweets a lot and sometimes would withhold their vote.  Wild and crazy tweetstorms were sort of an Achilles heel of Trump's, given that they were the reasons at least some voters refused to vote for him.  This was especially true among suburban women, who found him just too crude and impolite.  

Well, he's offline, and suddenly he's growing popular.  No tweets, just silence, and all of a sudden, people are looking at his record.  They like it.  They like him.  Sans the tweets, it's suddenly pretty clear that Trump as president was a hell of a lot better than the Joe Biden socialist nightmare now coming down the pike.  That, in fact, can also be seen in public opinion polls showing a lack of optimism in the future.

Notice where the rise is most pronounced — sure enough, it's among women, the very group who complained loudest about Trump's tweets.

With no tweets, all that's left is the Trump record, and it's stellar.  Seems the big boys at Twitter who shut the president down kind of gave Trump an important gift.  Instead of making Trump go away, they've only made him more popular.  We hope they are proud of themselves; they can even call it an in-kind 2024 election contribution.  In shutting Trump down, they stepped on a rake and just made him more popular.

Thanks, Twitter!

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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