Recognizing the coordinated attacks on the First Amendment

America’s foundational rights are set out in the First Amendment. Without the freedoms expressed in that amendment, there is nothing to protect us from totalitarianism. Yet we are currently in the midst of a very sustained attack on the right, and the attack is coming via methods too many fail to recognize.

The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights contains five separate statements that when taken together underscore the necessity of communication required to maintain a Constitutional Republic:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (1); or abridging the freedom of speech (2), or of the press (3); or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (4), and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (5).

Much has been already said about instances of “summary judgment” censorship by various Big Tech media players like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, but few have considered the more ominous asymmetric warfare being waged against the First Amendment in its entirety. 

While America has almost 330 million citizens and well over half still have great respect for the Constitution, those who would destroy the First Amendment have launched an all-out stealthy, coordinated, and intentional high-tech attack against each element noted above.

In every revolution over the past 150 years, the first wave of attacks always focused on taking over communications networks: Radio and TV stations, newspapers, and public forums. 

Thanks to the “Great Panic of 2020” driven by an invisible virus, this is exactly what has just happened in the U.S. Instead of being driven by thugs with guns and tanks, however, it was accomplished with high technology, pseudo-science, and misrepresented statistics.

The policies resulting from COVID-19’s fear and propaganda are the common thread in the communication takeover:

  • The free exercise of religion is impossible when you can’t go to church or freely worship. Many churches are permanently closed because giving and attendance have dried up. For those remaining open, mandates are dictating how services will be conducted: masks, social distancing, no singing of worship songs, no hugging or touching, etc. 
  • Free speech is in tatters as people are forced to wear face diapers. You are not understandable and you cannot understand others. 
  • Freedom of the press is virtually non-existent thanks to massive censorship by a juggernaut of Big Media and Big Tech companies who effortlessly suppress any person or narrative with whom they disagree. 
  • Peaceable assembly is completely on hold thanks to social distancing, limits on attendees, and face mask requirements. 
  • Petitioning the government for a redress of grievances is impossible when many government offices are closed and others simply don’t listen or respond. 

A second aspect of all revolutionary takeovers is the destruction of civilizational knowledge. Historical documentation of book burnings is legendary from the 1918 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to Nazi Germany in the 1930s and China under Mao Zedong in the 1940s. Books and historical papers represent historical touchstones that would keep citizens from accepting their new reality. 

While we normally think of freedom of the press as related to the present, it stretches far back in history. Thus, it’s not enough to censor current literature and journalism, but also that of the past. 

Access to public and university libraries -- where physical books are located – has been almost completely shut down during 2020.  During that time, electronic “book burning” has begun in earnest as certain authors and topics are being rapidly expunged from electronic media.

The implication of these attacks is very alarming. If they are indeed the first wave of a revolutionary coup d'état, then we must immediately prepare for the main invasion. 

The greatest question, however, is who are we really fighting? Marxists? Communists? Socialists? Fascists? 

I suggest that it is none of these because all of the above attacks are related to scientists and Big Tech who appear to be working closely together to bring this about. More likely, these people are Technocrats. They are not interested in collectivism but rather total domination and outright Scientific Dictatorship. 

Nevertheless, they are well underway to flipping the world into the World Economic Forum’s vision of The Great Reset, which is rife with elements of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Along the way, Capitalism and Free Enterprise must die and the will of the American people must be forced into submission.

The First Amendment and our ability to communicate freely may be the first major casualties of this revolution but it is not yet a fait accompli

America must not go down without a fight. The rapidly expanding national membership of Citizens for Free Speech is mounting its own counter-initiative to preserve and defend the First Amendment to rebuild its functionality from the bottom up. It could be too little, too late, but we encourage all Americans to join us to take a stand. 

Indeed, if America is ultimately silenced by its Technocrat invaders, then all else will be lost.

Patrick Wood is the Founder and Director of Citizens for Free Speech, a nationwide non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and defending the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. He is also the Editor of Technocracy News & Trends, a world-wide journal dedicated to critical analysis of Technocracy and globalization. Wood has authored four books, including Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation and Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order. 

IMAGE: Freedom of Speech (cropped) by Norman Rockwell. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

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