Soul-searching before the storm

A storm is coming, and it's going to be devastating.  We have seen and just experienced a taste of it.  The attacks on the First Amendment have already begun.  The president and millions of his supporters are deprived of their access to use tech platforms to communicate.  Big Tech also is banning anything that indicates that the election was stolen or marked with voter fraud.  The efforts to rewrite history are on the way.

The left is not pretending.  These people mean business, and their business is mean.  They are ruthless both in words and deeds.  We know the former from their statements in the media or on the House floor.  The way they pulled off possibly the greatest election fraud in history can be explained only by wicked deeds.

The conservatives now have more questions than answers.  Where do we go from here?  Can we still save ourselves?  Is the Republic done?  And who is going to save us?

Being attuned to God, they may also ask, "Is God going to save us from ourselves?"

While God is not absent in people's business, He also says to "search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve" (Jeremiah 17:10).  One may be an agnostic, but the basic message is about the law of intended or unintended consequences.

In almost a century, America has had more freedom and prosperity than any other country in history.  Ironically, we have corrupted ourselves, found all kinds of excuses to reject freedom, and rushed impetuously into socialism-communism, perhaps the most vile system ever constructed by humans.

We arrogantly abort almost a million of our babies per year because they are inconvenient.  Yet we hide when some nasty type of flu comes.

We are the most diverse country in history.  Non-white people generally enjoy the best welfare compared to their counterparts in any other country in the world.  Yet we spend almost all of our time whining about how horribly racist and evil we are.

We now shun our Founders and our previous great leaders and call them racists.  In reality, it is down to this: we often use "humanity" as a cover to appeal to other people's conscience in order to cancel or remove anything we don't like.  In reality, our "humanity" is not genuine.  Even if it is genuine, it is often driven by a corrupt mind that twisted the truth at worst or naïve understanding at best.  Perhaps the real reason for shunning the Founders from our lives is to uproot America from her history and replace it with our utopian and wicked version.

It is not surprising that we have taken freedom for granted and have no clue about our own heritage.  Alas, those who despise their history are usually doomed to repeat its worst parts and dump its best ones.

We riot, burn, and beat people over a manufactured problem: systemic racism.

We said we are Christians, but we mock God's commandments.  Our churches and pastors are more worried about racism than personal virtues and interested in preaching social justice more than true salvation.

Thanks to rapid technological development, ours is an increasingly sophisticated world.  We marvel at it.  Yet our civilization seems to be getting more fragile, ignorant, and spineless.  We hide behind the comfort of our technology.  The current generation seems more fainthearted than the preceding one.  Paradoxically, we are living in the most technologically connected era in history, yet, because of greed and twisted truth, we are perhaps living in the most socially disconnected era in history.  Maybe it's no coincidence that the first solution to COVID-19 is socially distancing — physically.  But we may have been socially distancing socially prior to that.

Social disconnection and apathy give rise to all kinds of corrupt enterprises in almost all of our institutions.   Hence, the corrupt politicians, judges, and media may be the mirror image of ourselves.

Then, when the storm comes, we ask, "God, are You in the midst?"  Surely, God is always in our midst.  But perhaps He has had enough of this foolishness and rebellion, and He is ready to let us learn things the hard way.

Maybe in the midst of helplessness, we need to kneel and pray for forgiveness, wisdom, and courage and then turn from our wicked ways.  Then, as He said, "I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Only after that can we go out to pursue our freedom.  This is what George Washington did when he was filled with helplessness in a dreadful winter at Val­ley Forge in 1777, while facing the British Army who were well fed on American bread and beef and their barracks warmed by American firewood.  Likewise, as Abraham Lincoln said in the middle of tumultuous Civil War, "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

Both leaders were faced with their respective defining moments in the history of our country.  This year is our defining moment.  As we look ahead to the impending storm, we go back to our history and learn how the great founders and defenders of our nation responded.  Both Washington and Lincoln kneeled and asked for divine forgiveness and guidance.  This serves not only as our inspiration, but also a source of confidence as we struggle to keep the Republic.  After all, victory begins with a vigorous spirit.

Image via Good Free Photos.

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