The private-sector purge is beginning

Dawson Buchanan, a young Trump-supporter, left a disturbing thread on Twitter.  He asserts that he was all set to begin working for a company called Private Jet Services.  However, shortly before he was to begin, PJS fired him.  He finally learned from the owner that PJS had a contract with the National Hockey League.  When the NHL learned that PJS had hired someone who had worked for the Trump company, the NHL said PJS had a choice: Buchanan or the NHL.  PJS opted for the company that helps pay its bills.

Here's Buchanan's story in his own words:

1) A couple of hours ago, I tweeted out that this tweet referred to me. Shortly after, I deleted that tweet. After much introspection, and talking with friends and family, I feel obligated to reveal why I deleted it.


2) After identifying myself as the subject of the thread, @Fly_PJS reached out to me, threatening to take legal action and publicly defame me if I didn't delete the tweet. Intimidated and nervous, I immediately deleted it.

3) But after thinking about it, and discussing my rights of free speech with advisors, I will not be bullied into silence. I'm now going to raise my voice louder.

4) In early January, PJS hired me to be a concierge for a contract they had with the @NHL team, @Canes. Having worked with PJS as an operations associate for Trump Campaign HQ, I eagerly accepted the position-excited to join a company I had developed a personal relationship with.

5) After receiving a laptop, establishing a work email, and even purchasing additional work clothes, I prepared to travel to Raleigh, NC today for training. Yesterday evening, around 7 PM, PJS called and fired me without explanation.

6) I was devastated. I had gone from being employed to unemployed in a matter of seconds, and I hadn't done anything wrong.

7) I called the owner of PJS and asked for any explanation, and he told me very bluntly: the @NHL found out I worked for the Trump campaign and threatened to cancel the contract with PJS unless they fired me.

8) Instead of standing up for me, instead of explaining to the NHL that I, as a person, am not solely defined by my previous work on the Trump campaign, they fired me for their own company's financial gain.

9) I was upset and disappointed, but I didn't initially blame them for this decision. I wish they had stood up for me...they didn't. I didn't have any animosity towards PJS, until they tried to bully me into silence.

10) So now I'm sharing the story, in its entirety. Even though the owner told me this afternoon that he would deny everything I say if this went any further. But this is the truth, and I feel more empowered and supported if I share it with all of you.

11) I can't begin to thank all of the people who helped me through this, and have reached out to me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and by email to help. Thank you all so much! I look forward to continuing to voice the truth so this never happens to a conservative again.

As far as I know, neither the NHL nor PJS has yet commented on Buchanan's version of events.  Assuming that they are true, Buchanan's ability to sue PJS depends on whether his employment with PJS was at-will or not.  At-will employment allows an employer to fire an employee for any reason except for illegal reasons.  However, if it's true that the NHL extorted PJS into firing Buchanan based upon Buchanan's support for a duly elected president of the United States, I think Buchanan should investigate whether he can sue the NHL for tortious interference with prospective economic advantage.

What's important for purposes of this post is that if Buchanan's facts are accurate, it's clear that the left is determined to marginalize Trump-supporters and other conservatives.  They have already made absolutely clear that they intended to deny them a voice in a computerized world, to leave them without access to banks, and to make sure that they cannot be employed.  Indeed, Curt Schilling has been told that, as a high-profile conservative, he's now uninsurable.  I'm sure there's a lawsuit there, too.  We are to be driven from pillar to post, like lepers of old.

In the long term, the left's is an unsustainable tactic.  Depending on the circumstances, it's almost certainly illegal in many cases.  And finally, if leftists are determined to "de-person" Trump-supporters, it cannot end well for America as a whole.  This is the behavior of hardcore socialists, in the communist or fascist mode, not of members of a pluralist liberal democracy.

Image: "You're Fired" by Andrea Widburg.

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