Twitter's official tweet about the Uganda election is unbelievable

On Tuesday, Twitter left every sentient American wondering how a company so stupid could become so powerful.  Twitter spent last year silencing anything that would help Trump, including accurate facts about Biden pimping out his debauched son to foreign countries for big bucks.  It then inaugurated this year by booting the president of the United States off Twitter, followed by silencing all of his supporters.  But Twitter wasn't done.  Yesterday, in connection with the Uganda elections, Twitter issued a proud public policy statement about the absolute necessity of free speech on the internet, especially around elections.

If you're thinking that what I just said is a joke from the inestimable Babylon Bee, it's not.  This is as real as can be:

For a little context, this started because Twitter and Facebook were doing in Uganda what they did in America: using their immense power to put their jackboots on the scale to affect the election.  Uganda, unlike the feckless Republicans, was not going to allow it:

Twitter, as you saw, struck back.  Once you're done laughing about the insane hypocrisy contained within those tweets, start thinking about the deeper implications of the above tweets.  I'm not going to deny that Democrats are smart.  They are.

Over the course of sixty years, accelerating in the last twenty years, and with warp speed in just the last four years, they have systematically moved themselves to the most powerful positions in every American institution, whether in politics, entertainment, education, the media, or the corporate world.

However, what we're seeing on Twitter is a problem that sometimes happens to apex predators: they get soft.  Having vanquished most of their competition, for the last twenty years, leftists have created a very peculiar intellectual world.

When it comes to technology and communications, they've gone all in, successfully.  However, their other area of expertise has been victimhood.  They are all victims.  Even "self-aware" whites are victims, burdened by their painful toxicity and privilege.

This mindset led to safe spaces, trigger warnings, and all the other ideas that started in academia and then followed graduates into the corporate and political worlds.  For many years now, while leftists are perfectly happy to excoriate conservatives and other "Deplorables" whenever possible, they have insulated themselves from all opposing ideas and criticism.

This has extended to politics.  In 2016, after Hillary lost, leftists didn't engage in self-analysis.  Instead, they cried about the Russia hoax for four years, long after even Mueller had conceded that neither Trump nor anyone close to him had colluded with the Russians.

To "win" the 2020 election, Democrats made almost no effort to convince Americans that the Democrats had better ideas.  Instead, they locked Americans in their homes, destroyed the economy to increase dependence on the government (a Democrat specialty), locked their candidate in a basement, silenced any speech of which they disapproved, and copied other countries' vote fraud activities.

I'll give Democrats props for achieving their goal, but they cheated themselves out of a necessary learning curve.  Thus, by greasing their own path for so long, Democrats have assiduously trained themselves into the stupidity that comes with a complete lack of insight and self-awareness.  Incidentally, those Republican politicians and operatives blaming Trump and embracing impeachment are doing the same thing.

The Democrats' recent success has also given them a healthy dose of hubris.  If they were more conversant with the philosophy of old white men, such as the wisdom imparted in the Bible or reached by the ancient Greek philosophers, they would know that stupidity and hubris always end the same way: badly.

And that's how you end up with quite possibly the funniest and most repulsive tweet ever: Twitter preaching free speech purity to the poor benighted black folk in Uganda, even as it stands proudly on the First Amendment's grave back at home.  Its repulsive condescension is the real-world version of Ingrid Bergman's character in this classic 1974 movie:

Proverbs 16:18 gets the last word.  "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

Image: Free speech on Twitter by Andrea Widburg.

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