Biden's cultural norms

As has been written about here and elsewhere, President Biden essentially defended Xi Jinping's genocide of the Uyghurs during a recent CNN town hall meeting in Milwaukee.  When he was asked about the ongoing genocide of the over one million Muslims who have been held in secret detention camps without legal precedent or due process since 2014, he basically repeated Chinese Communist Party (CCP) talking points.

I talked about this too, and that's not so much refugee, but I talked about it. I said, "Look… Chinese leaders, if you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven't been unified at home. So the central… Vastly overstated. The central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united tightly-controlled China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that. I pointed out to him, no American president can be sustained as a president if he doesn't reflect the values of the United States. And so the idea, I'm not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in Western mountains of China and Taiwan, the One-China policy by making it forceful.

And then, incredibly, Biden added: "Culturally, there are different norms at each country and their leaders are expected to follow."

Their leaders are expected to follow?  Imprisonment without trial, harvesting the organs of people while they are still alive, and mass killing for political reasons are simply "cultural norms"?!

Holocaust.  Gang rape.  Pedophilia.  Female genital mutilation.  Que será, será — whatever will be, will be, right?  Tolerance!  Inclusion!  The Two Pillars of Wokism!  Yet a Republican, conservative, or Christian saying he believes there are only two sexes or that there was widespread voter fraud in the past election is utterly intolerable!  Baylor students wanted a Christian lecturer fired after she had the temerity to question Biden's (unconstitutional) executive order promoting the "rights" of transgender "women" to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms and bathrooms.  The lecturer said, "What if I don't want biological boys in the bathroom with my biological daughter?  Do the 99% of us who do not struggle with gender dysphoria have a voice?"


Because that is not the kind of tolerance and inclusion that progressives favor.

In fact, they appear to believe that the tolerant and inclusive thing to do in these cases is to "attack them! cancel them!"

If they really wanted to be progressive, they could just throw us to the lions as the Romans occasionally did to Christians nearly 2,000 years ago.

The Martyrdom of St. Euphemia.
Mural on the left side in Basilica Saint Euphemia in Rovinj, Croatia.

Biden would probably say that, too, was simply a "cultural norm."

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