Donald J Trump: man of peace

On Monday, February 8th, the US Senate will begin to hear arguments on the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. The impeachment document, advanced from the House in record speed and without due deliberation, charges the President with “incitement of insurrection” in the rioting at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.

That charge is false and totally out of character for Donald J. Trump. He is a recognized man of peace and a five-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. I contend that he deserves a sixth nomination for the way that he has handled the coup that denied him his hard-won victory.

Here’s a recap of his five nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize to date:

First, Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde nominated President Trump on September 9, 2020, for “a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel which opens up possible peace in the Middle East.”

Second, Swedish Parliamentarian Magnus Jacobsson nominated Trump on September 11, 2020, for brokering a “historic peace deal between Serbia and breakaway republic Kosovo.”

Third, in late September 2020, Australian eminent law professor Professor David Flint, together with four colleagues, nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for the Trump Doctrine. The Trump Doctrine, they said, brought peace in troubled areas without the USA entering new wars.

Fourth, Finnish Parliament member Laura Huhtasaari nominated Trump and his administration for the Nobel Peace Prize on October 9, 2020. She highlighted Trump's “endeavors to end the era of endless wars, construct peace…as well as underpin internal cohesion and stability of his country.”

Fifth, American Peter Pry, together with co-signers, nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize on October 26, 2020. They nominated him “for deterring nuclear war with North Korea . . . and for his Executive Order on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses.”

I would like to suggest that President Trump, and his followers, receive a sixth nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination should read “for conducting a peaceful presidential campaign and gathering millions of people to his rallies, without violence.” That includes the rally at the Capitol to stop the steal on January 6th.

More evidence is coming to light that what happened at the Capitol had nothing to do with Trump. When it happened, though, Democrats seized upon it, using it to entrap President Trump and his followers and to turn the nation into a police state with the purpose of expunging Trump and all Trump supporters.

The Sixth nomination should state that President Trump exercised great discretion during events at the Capitol and following. He immediately called for his supporters to leave the Capitol area and calling for peace to prevail. 

In the face of calumnious accusations of attempting an insurrection, President Trump passed the remaining two weeks at the White House peacefully. Although well within his rights to invoke Executive Order No. 1348 in response to foreign and domestic interference in a presidential election, he chose to leave the White House peacefully.

In terms of discerning a pattern, one can compare Trump’s last days in D.C. to Jesus’s last days in Jerusalem. The ruling party in Jerusalem felt threatened by the rise of Jesus and his followers. To thwart them, he was falsely charged with insurrection against Israel, with the intention that doing so would destroy the Temple in Jerusalem. Failing to get those charges to stick, they begged Rome to crucify him just because they wanted him dead and his followers scattered. The mob even chose to let the insurrectionist Barabbas go free instead of Jesus so intense was this hatred and fear.

Now the Swamp is setting up Trump on the false charge of insurrection and seeking to destroy the Capitol. They hope to “kill” Trump and scatter his followers.

Only four presidents have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Theodore Roosevelt for his ill-conceived support of Japan’s occupation of Korea, Woodrow Wilson for his efforts to establish the failed League of Nations, Jimmy Carter for his failed efforts at world peace except for peace negotiations between Israel and Egypt, and Barack Obama for nothing. President Trump’s accomplishments far exceed all four presidents.

President Trump is truly a Man of Peace.

IMAGE: Trump at the 2018 CPAC conference by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.

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