Tents in South Texas

Down in South Texas, we are seeing a surge in illegal aliens, according to new information reported in the New York Post:

The Biden administration is facing fresh spikes of over 100 percent in illegal border crossings from this time last year and has opened another tent city to detain illegal immigrants in Texas, US Customs and Border Protection has announced.

The Border Patrol revealed in a report released Wednesday that the number of migrants apprehended at the border in the month of January reached nearly 78,000, up from 36,679 in January 2020.

Single adult Mexican citizens accounted for more than 37,000 CBP encounters, a 119 percent increase from this time last year, according to the agency.

Single adult males?  I thought it was about unifying families and their children.

The Biden administration is carrying out a policy that was not fully disclosed during the campaign.  Does anyone remember Biden saying he'd be building tents to bring people into the country?

Eventually, and sooner rather than later, this is going to explode into a mess that Biden will not be able to control.  Unfortunately, the people in Central America were encouraged to come north, and they came north.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Picryl.

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