Afghanistan's population problem

America has been involved in Afghanistan since 2001, when a punitive expedition was mounted to punish the perpetrators of the World Trade Center outrage.  The expedition had no particular aim or use-by date, so mission creep turned into a gallop and became an effort to turn Afghanistan into some sort of central Asian Switzerland.  You don't want people starving to death while you are doing some nation-building, so all the food necessary to keep body and soul together for the growing Afghan population has been paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.

Afghanistan's population has doubled since 2001, from 20.5 million to 39.8 million.  It has been a quite successful breeding program.  The rationale for staying in the wretched country was that fighting them there was better than fighting them stateside.  But now there are twice as many of them, so twice as many to fight.

But the Afghans are more likely to starve than fight.  The whole MENA belt of countries from Morocco to Afghanistan largely lives on wheat, with a visit to the local bakery twice a day.  The following chart shows the last 60 years of Afghanistan's wheat consumption:

Afghanistan was operating at the limit of its agricultural production by the late 1970s, and wheat imports started rising in the 1980s.  The Russians disrupted things for a while, but population growth did not fall below 2% per annum.  U.S. involvement began in 2001, and wheat imports took off.  With improvements in wheat varieties, wheat production in good years appears to have plateaued at about five million tons per annum.  All the population growth from a decade ago has been fed by wheat imports, now at three million tons per annum.  If we look at per capita wheat consumption over that period:

At the lower population growth rate up to the early 1980s, per capita Afghani wheat consumption was about 250 kg per annum, much the same as the rest of the Middle East.  With the higher population growth rate since 2001, consumption is lower at about 220 kg per annum, reflecting a population with a lower proportion of adults.

This explains why Trump faced so much opposition in his attempts to exit the country.  When the U.S. withdraws, chaos will return to Afghanistan, and imported wheat won't make it to the still mostly rural Afghan population, even if someone was willing to pay for the three million tons per annum.  The mass starvation that will be recorded by everyone's cell phones will remind the rest of the world that food security is an important issue.

And that will spoil the globalist plan for world domination.  The globalists, run by the World Economic Forum out of Geneva, want the whole world to be equally poor and to eat insects instead of meat.  Thus, the E.U. early this year approved maggot-like mealworms for human consumption.  The globalists know that the unpleasant future they have in mind for humanity can be imposed only when nobody is starving, which would remind countries that they have to look after their own food security. 

A new Afghani is being created every 30 seconds or so, amounting to 1.2 million per annum.  Every year of delay in leaving Afghanistan means that another 1.2 million people are going to starve to death.  On the plus side, a big Afghan starvation event will put a spanner in the works for the globalists' plan for world domination.

David Archibald is the author of American Gripen: The Solution to the F-35 Nightmare.

Images: D. Archibald.

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