Andrew Cuomo revealed to be a complete pig

For today's gross-out news, take a look at the latest from New York's once-vaunted, highly feted, Emmy award-winning Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Here's New York Post report:

The first woman to publicly accuse Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment claimed he once boorishly joked that he would "mount" her if he were a dog, a new report said.

Lindsey Boylan, a former aide to the governor, revealed Cuomo's creepy remark in a lengthy interview with The New Yorker's Ronan Farrow, telling him that Cuomo made the gross joke in 2018 after a meeting at the Governor's mansion.

Boylan, 36, who is one of seven women to lodge accusations of sexual misconduct against the governor, said he made the comment after Cuomo's dog — a German Shepherd mix named Captain — jumped up and down near her.

Eeew. Who thinks like that? If a dog is jumping on someone, you get the dog off, and say 'sorry' to the person targeted. You don't cheer the dog with doggy-style sex allusions, pop off about it as the first thing that comes out of your mouth, and then imagine the woman involved isn't going to be throwing up inside. Nobody normal makes that kind of talk. Only a pig with a filthy way of thinking does.

That's Cuomo to a tee, and he's comfortable with that with no problem expressing it. Small wonder he now claims he had no idea he was offending people with his kind of talk as his defense. He apparently did it so often he was unable to recognize how disgusting he was. 

So if there are any doubt that Cuomo was a bigtime sex harasser of the very grossest sort, the same sort of guy as one of Kamala Harris's top aides, Larry Wallace, whose sex harassing was so disgusting, it forced the state of California to make a $400,000 payout to a young employee he repeatedly forced to crawl under his desk to "fix" his computer so he could leer at her underwear, there's little room left for doubt. This is Pigville.

These new revelations remove all doubt that Cuomo was a grotesque abuser of female employees while living it up in a position of power and accolates. They reveal his arrogance, given that these incidents happened in the post-me too age.

Worse still, they were often done in public, right in front of people, with no expectation of any censure or consequences. People knew.

Everyone knew. And as in the case of Harvey Weinstein, another one taken down by Ronan Farrow, just as Cuomo is now being exposed by him, everyone in those charmed circles was all cuchy-coo and air-kisses with him. Oprah, Hillary Clinton, and other celebs from the big-name Hollywood circles knew and they turned their heads until they couldn't. Then they pretended to be shocked. But they knew very well and said nothing while Weinstein was powerful.

It's the same deal with Cuomo. So many people around him knew all about his bad behavior and not one of them stepped in front of him to stop it, or filed a complaint, or otherwise tried to make the old goat behave as a civilized human being in public for just a few minutes. That's where the real disgrace is. People knew because Cuomo never tried to hide his bad behavior.

Now, it seems Cuomo is dispensible, what with the need to protect other Democratic favorites among the governors from the same decision Cuomo made to put COVID patients in nursing homes. Taking him down on the easily seen, easily verified charges of unprofessional piggishness, the sort of thing that would get any office drone fired, seems to be the order of the day. If Cuomo's accusers in government and political class want to go that route, it behooves them to reveal all the people who knew about him and did nothing.

Image: Metropolitan Transportation Authority via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY-SA 2.0.

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