Dr. Fauci and his coevals try to burnish their tarnished names

The COVID industrial complex and its disgraced leaders are somehow trying to burnish their reputations now that COVID is coming to an end, and they want it to go on and on, remodeling themselves into heroes.  Medical bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health have gotten their words in front of the cameras of late.

They aren't going to succeed.  Their actual records show nothing but failure.

Start with Dr. Fauci:

While President Trump was putting a travel ban on China and mobilizing the private and public sector to address COVID-19, Dr. Fauci was saying in February 2020 that the risk to the United States was minuscule.

Top disease official: Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands

Now he is claiming that the best decision he ever made was to start developing the vaccine in January 2020.

We are supposed to believe that while the World Health Organization was saying COVID wouldn't pass human to human, and Dr. Fauci was saying it wasn't dangerous in February, that he focused on a vaccine in January.  I believe that the media and everyone else should yell b-------.

Look at how bad it's gotten, as reported by the New York Post:

Fauci claims credit for COVID vaccines: 'Best decision I've ever made'

In a CNN special that aired Sunday, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said the "best decision" he made was fast-tracking efforts to produce a vaccine.

"When I saw what happened in New York City, almost overrunning of our health care system, it was like, 'Oh my goodness,' " Fauci told CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on "COVID WAR: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out."

"And that's when it became very clear that the decision we made on January the 10th — to go all out and develop a vaccine — may have been the best decision that I've ever made with regard to an intervention as director of the institute."

Politicians, bureaucrats, and other Democrats like to rewrite history, and Dr. Fauci is making a great attempt to whitewash his own errors.  It is a shame that most of the media collude with Dr. Fauci and treat him as if he is and has always been infallible.

No matter how many things Fauci has gotten wrong, every pronouncement he makes is trotted out to the public.  No one is allowed to question him.  They will be silenced or cancelled.

It has been obvious that CDC, NIH, WHO, Dr. Fauci, and others are political animals.  They ignored and complimented nursing home killers Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and three other Democrat governors as they seeded nursing homes with COVID patients and caused excess deaths.  They trashed Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Dakota's Gov. Kristi Noem even though they had better results.  I still haven't seen Dr. Fauci ream out Cuomo for his incompetence and idiocy.

If Dr. Fauci and this entire COVID industrial complex were honest and basing their decisions on science, they would be raising alarm every day about the overcrowding and COVID cases among the illegal aliens being incentivized by Joe Biden to enter the U.S. illegally in at the border.  Instead, they OKed the facilities to operate at 800% capacity while they lecture the rest of us about the dangers.  Where are the warnings about super-spreader events like we continue to hear everywhere else?  They never cared about the protests and riots by radical leftists throughout last year, either.  And during the 2020 election, they OKed people with live cases of COVID to either work at or vote at the polling stations, so long as they wore masks.

Most of the media haven't cared about facts for a long time.  They repeat Democrat talking points to push an agenda, as if the talking points were factual while seeking to destroy Trump and other Republicans.

President Trump had a refreshing statement reminding Fauci (and CDC chieftain Dr. Deborah Birx, who's been getting camera time, too) of the facts about their many failures and the reality of his achievements.

What Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, care about is giving Democrats the power to infect the public with the radical left-wing agenda to transform (destroy) America.

It takes a truly small and weak man to take credit for what Trump and the private sector did.  It also takes a small, incompetent man to blame Trump for what is occurring at the border.  It appears that Biden and Dr. Fauci have a tremendous problem with honesty, transparency, and integrity.  Biden is taking credit for the vaccine and its distribution when almost all the credit belongs to the efforts of President Trump, his administration and the private sector.

Image: White House, public domain.  Image filtered with FotoSketcher.

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