Dr. Seuss and the coming blue-red divorce

Let's add Dr. Seuss to the long, and growing, list of bad books.  This is from Fox News:

The sales of six Dr. Seuss books will cease over racist and insensitive imagery, according to the business that preserves and protects the author's legacy.

The news comes Tuesday on National Read Across America Day, when schools across the U.S. celebrate reading on Dr. Seuss's March 2 birthday to commemorate the popular children's author, who died in 1991.

"These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong," Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement.

As the father of three grown sons, I guess I missed all the "hurtful and wrong" stuff.  Maybe my sons were playing too much Little League and did not pay attention.  At the same time, I don't remember anyone ever complaining about Dr. Seuss's books at a PTA meeting or a gathering with fellow teachers.

Where is this going?  I hope banning Dr. Seuss is the tipping point, as Liz Peek wrote.  At some point, we have to start asking the other side if banning Dr. Seuss is good for anybody, especially kids.

So what happens next?  Maybe a serious Democrat will stand up and tell the "wokies" to get some sleep and take a break from their cancelation campaign.

Maybe we will see the U.S. turn into the Blue States and Red States, two independent countries with different statues and values about boys playing with girls.

We've seen it with friends or neighbors.  Sometimes a divorce is the only way to resolve a relationship without a future.

Sorry, but we are getting there when the "wokies" get that worked up about kids' books.

Last, but not least, I plan to be on the red side of that border.  The reds will have to build a huge fence to keep the blues from coming over to look for work!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Pixy.

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