Me racist, you racist, we racist

The bad news is that the cancel culture is doing too much canceling.  The good news is that this has all the makings of a circular firing squad story.  At least the bullets are aimed at each other.

The Teen Vogue story is interesting and indicative of just how crazy this whole thing is:

Teen Vogue's almost-editor Alexi McCammond was forced to resign before she even started because of racist tweets she posted years ago. It was cancel culture at its best — or perhaps, most damaging. McCammond was a writer for the left-leaning Axios website, but that didn't save her from the rage of the mob.

One of her biggest critics at Teen Vogue, senior social media manager Christine Davitt, posted a letter on March 8 on Instagram from Teen Vogue staff expressing concern to Conde Nast management about the hiring of McCammond, "in light of her past racist and homophobic tweets." "So proud of my @teenvogue colleagues. The work continues…" Davitt wrote in a caption.

But people who live in glass houses… etc. Davitt has her own problematic tweeting in the past[.]

Yes, don't attack what someone tweeted before you check your own archives.

Perhaps all this will have a happy ending.

First, so many lefties will delete their tweets that Jack Dorsey will bring President Trump to build up his business.  Wouldn't that be sweet justice?

Second, the cancel culture is now being mocked by Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan.  Wonder if Sullivan and Maher have checked their tweets?

So maybe the cancel culture will cancel itself out.  Let's hope so.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

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