No NBA for me this weekend

My favorite NBA story was watching Lew Alcindor make his league debut with the Milwaukee Bucks.  It was so exciting back then, even after Alcindor became Jabbar and signed with the Lakers a few years later.  I was a fan, and then they lost me recently.

We understand that LeBron James will narrate a "voting rights" ad during the NBA All Star Game this weekend.

According to news reports, the "ad" is totally partisan.  It should run a voice at the end saying, "This is The Democrat Party and we love getting free publicity like this."  The whole thing is a sham and attacks the GOP, and that's the ad.

Absent will be any talk of China, from human rights violations to a recent court statement about homosexuality.  This is from South China Morning Post:

A Chinese court has upheld a ruling that a textbook description of homosexuality as "a psychological disorder" was not a factual error but merely an "academic view".

The Chinese LGBT community, and the 24-year-old woman who filed the lawsuit, have expressed disappointment at the decision, handed down last week by the Suqian Intermediate People's Court in the eastern province of Jiangsu.

Ou Jiayong, who also uses the name Xixi, said the court's decision about what constituted a "factual error" was "random and baseless". 

So far, I've heard nothing from the NBA on this matter.  It would be nice for LeBron James, the self-appointed social justice warrior, to comment about a decision from that part of the world that puts so much money in his personal pocket and the league as well.

My guess is that the NBA will call it an "internal matter" and dance around the issue.  It sounds to me more as if we don't want to upset our sugar daddy because those millions of dollars help us live in those exclusive neighborhoods in the U.S.  No ghetto for LeBron thanks to the Chinese sugar daddy.

No, I'm not watching the NBA All Star Game.  Honestly, I never really did, because there is a point where scoring 175 points gets boring.  Lately, my anger with the NBA is its utter hypocrisy about human rights.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Keith Allison via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 (cropped).

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