Now you tell us, Joe

The situation on the border must be hurting politically.  On ABC, Biden told the folks to say home and "don't come."

How convenient!  Imagine if President Trump had told the migrants to stay on their towns.  How many times would we hear that he is a racist?

The situation on the border is out of control, as a sheriff is pointing out:

An Arizona sheriff said Wednesday that the current border crisis is worse than the Obama years, as the Department of Homeland Security indicates that the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border is expected to hit a 20-year high.

Pinal Country Sheriff Mark Lamb told "Fox & Friends" that it was "ridiculous" and "unfair" that illegal immigrants, many of whom he claims have not been tested for coronavirus, are able to enter the country while schools and businesses in many parts of the nation remain closed.

Of course it's a mess on the border.  The crisis was not inherited.  It was created by misguided decisions and executive orders.

It's also the height of dishonesty for Biden to say this now.

Why didn't he say it during the campaign?  Could it be that they were pandering to Hispanic voters in large cities?  Worse than that, was the campaign keeping immigration activists in line by promising to kill the Trump policies?

It's time for Hispanics to reconsider the Democrat party.  At least President Trump spoke clearly.  The Democrats tell them what they want to hear, and then it's a different once in power.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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