Parallels between Biden’s border policy and Cuomo’s nursing home scandal

Some friends of mine have been making interesting comparisons of the parallels between the completely unnecessary crises created by President Biden (at the border) and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. I am sure there are others, as well, but these are the ones we have come up with for now.

Spreading COVID

  • Biden requires CBP to allow COVID positive illegal migrants into our country and is spreading them across the country
  • Cuomo sent COVID-positive elders into nursing homes, killing almost 15,000 vulnerable seniors there

Predictability of a self-created crisis

  • The Biden border crisis was not only predictable but he was warned about what would happen
  • Cuomo was warned by doctors who work in nursing homes about the risks to the other residents 


  • Biden is refusing to allow the media and American people to see the conditions in which illegal immigrants are held, especially children, and has delayed releasing the numbers of illegals allowed entry or not
  • Cuomo notoriously and probably illegally covered up the number of nursing home deaths

Refusing to use Trump-provided solutions

  • Biden abandoned Trump’s successful border security arrangements with Mexico, his safe third country agreements with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to apply for asylum in their home countries, and ended border wall construction
  • Cuomo didn’t take advantage of the Federal assistance in creating hospital facilities in the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort hospital ship

Lack of preparation

  • Biden issued executive orders on the border without being prepared in terms of personnel, procedures, or facilities to deal with their consequences
  • Cuomo left nursing homes being unprepared and unequipped in terms of personnel, procedures, and facilities to isolate those admitted with COVID or otherwise protect the other residents

Family separation

  • Biden encouraged family separations by encouraging unaccompanied minors
  • Cuomo caused permanent family separations with elders’ deaths while isolated from their family in long-term care facilities

Exposure to COVID

  • CBP and other personnel dealing with illegal migrants, who should have been given vaccination priority, have been exposed to COVID.
  • Cuomo ordering elderly COVID-infected patients into nursing homes exposed nursing home staff

Media adoration and protection

  • Biden faced softball questions, including praise for his character, at his first press conference
  • Cuomo was built up by the media as the competent and sexy anti-Trump

Unwanted touching of females

  • Biden likes to touch little girls
  • Cuomo allegedly grabs and kisses female staffers

Favors for family

  • Hunter Biden has made millions of dollars from countries that were being overseen by then-VP Biden
  • Cuomo got early access to the COVID vaccine for members of his family


  • Biden has a stupid, dishonest son (Hunter) who graduated from Yale
  • Cuomo has a stupid, dishonest brother (Chris) who graduated from Yale

IMAGES: Andrew Cuomo by DonkeyHotey and Joe Biden by DonkeyHotey, YouTube screen shots


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