So now Meghan Markle wants to be US president?

After a slew of publicity at the expense of Britain's queen, Meghan Markle, the Hollywood actress now the so-called duchess of Sussex, has decided she wants to be U.S. president, according to a Daily Mail report.

Meghan Markle will use the furore over her interview with Oprah to launch a political career which could take her all the way to the White House, if rumours circulating around Westminster last week turn out to be accurate.

One senior Labour figure — a veteran of Tony Blair's Downing Street administration with strong links to Washington — claimed to The Mail on Sunday that Ms Markle, 39, was networking among senior Democrats with a view to building a campaign and fundraising teams for a tilt at the US Presidency.

Last night, a source close to the Duchess of Sussex declined to comment, but the couple have made little secret of their political beliefs.

This, on first thought, would be over Kamala Harris's dead body, given that she's the one tolerating Old Joe until the time comes.  But as house husband Harry says, "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets."

Who knows what the heck this ambitious bounder has in mind?

The important thing to know is that she's consorting and meeting with top Democratic political leaders, given that the lady of leisure in her Montecito mansion has lots of time on her hands.

One such meeting we know of is with California's embattled Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Another possible may be with Team Obama.

After all, didn't both the Obamas and the Sussexes both get buku-bucks Netflix deals?  Neither pair has any experience in film, but both somehow got the millions anyway.  There doesn't seem to be anyone else who got those deals.  What's more, Netflix as a company is larded up with Obama former officials.

And didn't Meghan Markle glowingly "interview" Michelle Obama in a 2019 guest-editing session for limousine-liberal Vogue?  Seems the two like each other and share the same leftist wokester values and, given the gushiness, may have been working as a team.

It sure seems so, given that Harper's Bazaar reports that Michelle was feating Meghan as "my friend" and a "thoughtful leader."  Here's the gushing from Harper's Bazaar:

When Michelle Obama hops on Instagram to give you a shoutout from the other side of the globe, you know you're doing something right. Today, the former first lady took to the app to praise Duchess Meghan, whom she called "my friend," for the work she's doing during her royal tour of southern Africa.

Meghan and Harry's trip abroad isn't just about the meet and greets and photo ops; it's also about recognizing and raising awareness about organizations doing inspiring work in the area. Last night, for example, the duke and duchess attended a reception for youth leaders, which included Obama Foundation Leaders based in Africa, who are notable rising change-makers in their communities.

The gushing wasn't just confined to Michelle and Meghan.  Harry and Obama figured in this, too.  Here's Vanity Fair with its own round of gushing, from 2017:

2017's favorite bromance goes to Barack Obama and Prince Harry. They laughed it up at the Invictus Games in Toronto and filmed a charming interview that aired on BBC Radio 4's Today program. But while it seems like a given for the Obamas to be invited to Prince Harry's upcoming wedding to Meghan Markle in May, according to reports they may end up getting snubbed to avoid an outright diplomatic crisis.

Take a look at that picture.

They wanted the Obamas at their wedding, but apparently the British prime minister at the time (or who knows, maybe the queen?) stopped it.

Bottom line: The Obamas and the Markles go way back, according to past fawning stories, all of them from the fashion press.

The political analysts over at the Conservative Tree House / Last Refuge seem to think the timing of the interview in which Meghan charged the entire royal family with racism, sounded like Classic Obama political hardball, which is to whip up racial divisions ahead of the trial of Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin, now that riotous public sentiment against cops has died down.  Sundance writes:

Media stories often contain the fingerprints of motive, a slight truth hidden in a background of obfuscation, and you can find the leftist activity if you know what to look for.  The buried lede in the story is this short segment:

[…] "One senior Labour figure — a veteran of Tony Blair's Downing Street administration with strong links to Washington — claimed to The Mail on Sunday that Ms Markle, 39, was networking among senior Democrats"… (read more)

There it is: "networking among senior Democrats."  That's the data point to focus on.

That's the part of the story that tells us exactly what was going on in that Oprah interview; and it is exactly what we suspected it was HERE and HERE.

Of course she was "networking" with "senior Democrats", specifically she was networking with Obama's Chicago crew; and that leads to Oprah, Obama's biggest narrative engineer.

The Markle interview was purposefully orchestrated, racism claims intentionally injected, recorded, and then timed to be released/broadcast the day before the trial against Derek Chauvin while the George Floyd protestors were activated.  This is how the Obama crew operate.  This is how the leftists work.  None of this is accidental and that statement by the "senior Labour figure" is 100% correct…. except for the cover story to hide the motive.

It's well argued, and it could be true.

But Meghan's interview also served as a guided missile aimed at the British monarchy, which also is worth noting.  Recall Obama's weird fascination with the British rulers, and their amazing failure to impress?  Remember Obama's hideous gift of tapes of his own speeches delivered to the queen?  Remember Michelle Obama touching the queen like she was her pal?  Remember Michelle Obama's train-wreck of an argyle outfit?  Remember how the Obamas not so secretly hankered for that wedding invitation to Prince William's and Duchess Catherine's 2011 wedding and didn't get it?

And most important, remember some of what was written at the time, that Obama held a deep-seated grudge from his father's colonialist experience against Britain in general, which explained why he was always undercutting our ally?  Dinesh D'Souza explored this topic in his 2010 book, The Roots of Obama's Rage.

There's no reason to think the royal family wasn't a target, every bit as active as Meghan's presidential ambitions. 

Who the heck would vote for her is another matter, but in this age of electoral fraud, apparently, winning isn't important.  Being part of the Obama political machine is, as Joe and Kamala can explain.  Whatever may be going on with Meghan's political ambitions, we can see she's acting as Joe Biden does to the Obama machine — she's apparently a willing tool.

Image: Genevieve via Wikimedia Commons (cropped), CC BY 2.0.

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