Someone Has to Save Joe Biden

Elder abuse is now out in the open and happening before the nation's eyes, and we have all become complicit bystanders.  I am not speaking here about the horrendous elder abuse by governors Andrew Cuomo (N.Y.), Gretchen Whitmer (Mich.), and Thomas Wolf (Pa.), who threw COVID patients into nursing homes, thereby causing the deaths of thousands of our elderly citizens.  Those deceased people brought children into the world, fought our wars, paid their taxes, contributed to society, and were killed off by power-addicted governors.  Investigations have begun into these governors' crimes so that justice may come for those now dead.  Instead, I am speaking about elder abuse happening in real time, televised without comment by the mainstream media, on Joe Biden.  We can speak up before this man is dead.

On March 18, Joe fell three times trying to board Air Force One!  All the media sites are running the footage.  The day before, he called his vice president, Kamala Harris, the president (again).  He is mentally unable to read the short cards in his hands anymore or the teleprompter's giant fonts.  Worse, though, is that he does not comprehend what he is reading.  Joe Biden is a danger to himself without an army of handlers boxing him in.  If he had a loving spouse in Dr. Jill or a loving son in Hunter, one of them would graciously lead him off the public stage to enjoy his sunset years (months?).  If Dr. Jill Biden were a medical doctor, she would be committed to the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.  Unfortunately, she is neither a loving spouse nor a medical doctor.

The situation has escalated in just sixty days, as Joe Biden has already become a danger to the United States, which he took an oath to protect on January 20.  Our southern border is surging with illegal aliens, the drug cartels are profiting, and no precautions are being used on the newly arrived: no precautions for crime, guns, or COVID infection, and Biden has broken the record on "kids in cages," the undesired and utterly preventable consequence of having no border policy.  American citizens are subject to law and order, while all illegal aliens are given a pass and a bus ticket to wherever they want to go in the U.S.

Joe has always had trouble with the truth, so his recent lies can't be blamed on his dementia.  But his lie on Tuesday, March 16, has further endangered the security of the United States.  This lie was about his manliness in facing off with Putin.  On a psychological level, this is pathetic but understandable as age forces us all to let go of our strengths and power.  The president is no exception.  His glory days, such as they were, are well behind him.  On a moral level, it is a false story, hence a lie, and another example of Biden's plagiarizing tendency, for the story was actually about how President George W. Bush stood up so strongly to Putin.  But his lie this time was reckless, as it endangers Americans, and Putin wasted no time exposing it.  Putin challenged Biden to a debate, knowing that Biden is not capable of participation.  He lacks the mental acuity and stamina to hold even one press conference for his own citizens.  Putin's challenge was a show of his real power over Joe's real enfeeblement.  Think alpha dog swallows injured squirrel.

Biden's reckless lie gave Putin another win in the power column as he has just informed the world that the United States has a mentally compromised leader.  Now Russia knows for certain how diminished the president of the United States is.  So do China, Iran, and innumerable rogue actors who mean us harm.  Joe doesn't even know he is sending American troops into Syria, but you can bet President Bashar Assad and the thugs who killed Syrian journalist Jamal Khashoggi are paying attention.  If the leader of the free world is not really mentally present anymore, just a shadow of himself and a puppet at that, then that free world is unstable, and Americans everywhere are at risk.

As anyone who has loved someone with dementia knows, it is a painful, grief-filled situation of saying many goodbyes, a true test of love's endurance.  What the patient needs must come first, and the first thing doctors tell you is to remove all stress because it hastens dementia.

Stress speeds up your loved one's demise.  Dr. Jill must know this, so she, along with Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama, is, in effect and in deed, killing Joe Biden.

We will not need an investigation after his death certificate because we are witnessing the elder abuse, the depraved indifference of Joe's handlers, in real time.  If we miss a moment, the media are constantly streaming the evidence.  We cannot say later that we had no idea this was going on right under our noses.  The media have documented every moment of this man's demise.  They have managed to reach a new low as they proffer this slow-motion snuff film.

I did not vote for the autocracy of executive orders and wholly partisan bills.  Nor did I vote for the Democrats' excuse for malfeasance — namely, that the ends justify the means.  In this instance, that means killing a man who has been a loyal Democrat all of his life.  I also did not vote for their expensive manufacture of crisis after crisis merely for the opportunism to seize more power (e.g., Russian Hoax, Mueller investigation, COVID lockdowns, Impeachments 1 and 2, the Jan. 6 Capitol protest).  But most of all, I did not vote for, nor do I consent to, watching the inhumane treatment of an elderly dementia patient by my own government.

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