The cult of the vaccine

Close your eyes and think back to a time in which you, your kids, or any other loved one received a vaccine.  Chances are, the event wasn't treated as if it was some grandiose event.  No, the vaccine was simply administered, and you moved on to other things.  That nonchalant, non-celebratory attitude toward vaccines was an almost universally accepted outlook for decades.  However, in 2021, a new precedent seems to have been set.

Indeed, with the arrival and widespread distribution of several different coronavirus vaccines, getting the vaccine has become something of a special occasion.  People gleefully post photos of themselves with their vaccine cards as if they had accomplished a spectacular feat.  Birthdays, weddings, baptisms, graduations, and vacations, fine — but a vaccine?  That just doesn't seem right to me.

People are being misled into believing they're virtuous and brave for taking a highly experimental vaccine that was hastily conceived and is the first mRNA vaccine ever distributed.  We don't know what negative effects the vaccine will have on our bodies.  We don't know if there will be side-effects or the possibility of death later on.  Despite this, the media, businesses, and government officials have helped create what I call the "Cult of the Vaccine."

Just recently Krispy Kreme announced that you can have a free doughnut every day this year.  The catch?  You guessed it.  You have to be vaccinated and able to provide proof of your vaccination when visiting one of Krispy Kreme's locations.  Should we risk our lives and well-being for a free doughnut every day?  Of course not.  That would be extremely risky and irrational.

Various entities are doing all they can to entice Americans to get the vaccine.  They'll tell you that you need it.  They'll make getting vaccinated a momentous, celebratory occasion, and they'll promise trivial rewards for doing what they say.  This ridiculous amount of enticement and desperation should terrify all of us.  It makes me think that they want us vaccinated for some nefarious purpose.  Ask yourself this: if the vaccine is truly normal, safe, and effective, would they really have to do all that they're doing to convince us?

To conclude, I'd like to offer my advice to those still debating whether or not they should get the vaccine.  Please think about what I and many other like-minded conservatives have said regarding this matter.  Consider just how much they want you to be vaccinated and all that they'll promise to get you to finally go through with it.  Be skeptical.  Be vigilant.  Something's fishy with all this, and I've decided to decline my invite to the newly formed "Cult of the Vaccine."  I hope you'll also decline their suspicious invitation.

Landon Freeman is a writer, political enthusiast, and advocate for Christian apologetics.

Image: Triggermouse via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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