There is so much wrong with the COVID 'relief' law

The $1.9-trillion relief law is being promoted as a way to get the economy back on track following COVID.  The reality is that despite the unnecessarily long and overly restrictive lockdowns imposed by mostly Democratic governors and mayors, the economy already was poised to come roaring back. 

Further, the size and scope of this package is totally out of proportion to the need, especially given that $3 trillion in relief was already provided under the Trump administration.

The package also takes unnecessary risks.  It will grow the already sky-high national debt, increase the odds of higher inflation, and slow the recovery because too many potential employees will continue to take government handouts rather than work. 

The law also presents a moral hazard as it bails out Democrat-run states like Illinois, New York, California, and Connecticut, which have a long history of financial blunders and fiscal mismanagement.  That's not fair to federal taxpayers in states that have their financial houses in order.

I expect we will see even worse to come from the new administration.  Just this week, the House passed a radical pro-union labor bill that would erase right-to-work laws in 27 states.  Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, H.R. 1 (the federal takeover of state election laws), and immigration "reform" (open borders) will probably be next on their agenda.  Then I expect we will see a push to pack the Senate (D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood). 

Sadly, we are at the mercy of Joe Manchin to stop this madness.  Manchin is not to be trusted.  He said he wouldn't vote for the $1.9-trillion bill before changing his mind, and he already is indicating that he may back away from his pledge to preserve the filibuster. 

It is critical that the GOP start recruiting viable candidates who can win purple districts and states so it can flip the House and Senate in 2022.  Otherwise, the damage to this country from the present one-party rule may be impossible to undo.

Josh Kantrow is a cyber-security attorney in Chicago.

Image: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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