When conservatives push back, they get results

One of the things that happens when people believe that they have a cultural wind at their backs is that they get carried away. We may be starting to see that with the incredibly racist “anti-racist” madness that has been moving through our culture for a while, but got put on rocket fuel when George Floyd’s overdose death while in police custody made the Black Lives Matter movement the Democrats’ central issue.

In Boise, Idaho, which is not a state known for being a hotbed of leftism, Boise State University mandated that all students take a series of classes called the “University Foundations 200: Foundations of Ethics and Diversity.” Once, universities taught students the universal values of the Bible (moral rules applicable to all people), the great philosophers and, of course, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I can guarantee you that the “ethics” students at Boise are taught have nothing to do with these universal principles and we all know what “diversity” means today: lockstep thinking, cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, and aggressive anti-white hatred.

While the university may be “woke,” the Idaho legislature is not. On March 17, the legislature decided to take $409,000 away from Boise State University’s annual budget and, instead, give it to Lewis-Clark State College. The decision to do so was based explicitly on the fact that Boise State has gone overboard with spending on social justice programs.

Even as the legislature was debating how to strike back on the University’s woke curriculum, rumors were circulating that there was a video showing a white student being attacked in one of those “diversity” classes. While the video has yet to leak, on March 16, Marlene Tromp, the university’s president, issued a memo abruptly suspending the University Foundations 200 program:

“We have been made aware of a series of concerns, culminating in allegations that a student or students have been humiliated and degraded in class on our campus for their beliefs and values,” states a March 16 memo from President Marlene Tromp to the campus community.“This is never acceptable; it is not what Boise State stands for; and we will not tolerate this behavior,” Tromp stated. “…Given the weight of cumulative concerns, we have determined that, effective immediately, we must suspend UF 200.”

She goes on to note that academic leadership will determine next steps “to ensure that everyone is still able to complete the course.”

As for the mysterious video, the Idaho Freedom Foundation believes that the video does exist. In addition, Kyle Boggs, a BSU assistant professor tweeted (and then deleted) that “a student in a university foundations class taped a zoom discussion on white privilege, in which apparently a white student was made to feel uncomfortable, and sent video to ID state legislature, who are “enraged.”

Do you really believe that the state legislature was “enraged” because a student was “made to feel uncomfortable”? I don’t. I suspect that the white student was the victim of extremely hostile, racist attacks. After all, everything we’ve seen of Critical Race Theory, which underpins all these programs, shows that it is every bit as racist as something the Nazis would say about Jews or the KKK would say about blacks.

Students need to start videotaping these classes. Employees forced to attend programs also need to record them and get screengrabs. In addition, conservatives need to discover lawfare. These classes violate myriad state and federal civil rights laws. Until the left is made to feel the pain, it will not stop. And because leftists are currently certain that nothing will stop it, and are therefore casting aside all restraint, they’re creating myriad opportunities for people to catch them in the act.

IMAGE: Bullying image by rawpixel.com

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