A popular prayer books contains a shocking plea to God

Chanequa Walker-Barnes is a "psychologist — professor — preacher" whose job is "healing the legacies of racial and gender oppression."  Walker-Barnes is also the author of the "Prayer of a Weary Black Woman," a shockingly anti-white, racist screed that appears in a popular devotional to be found at Target.  Somehow Walker-Barnes's ideas about racial healing are different from mine.

Before getting to the text, let's get to know Walker-Barnes a little better.  Here's her bio from her about page.  I used a screen grab in case the scrutiny she's suddenly getting causes her to change it:

Maybe the hatred that you'll see displayed in the prayer she wrote comes from the influence of Islam on her Christian faith.  Islam is strong on hating "the other."

If you check out Walker-Barnes's books, you'll see that she believes that "women of color" are essential to any racial reconciliation and that Black women are strong.  Her "Resource guides" are about "Introduction to Racism;" "Intersectionality," "Racial Reconciliation and the Modern Church," and "Whiteness and Anti-Racism."  If you click on the last link, you got a roster of books explaining that whites are evil: White RageHow I Shed My Skin: Unleashing the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood; Disrupting White Supremacy From Within; White Flight; Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness; The History of White People, Killers of the Dream, and more.

Walker-Barnes is a race-obsessed hammer, and white supremacy is the nail that hammer invariably strikes — which gets us to that devotional that someone found at Target:

Given Walker-Barnes's bio, perhaps the opening paragraph in her "Prayer of a Weary Black Woman" shouldn't be a surprise:

Dear God,

Please help me to hate White people. Or at least to want to hate them. At least, I want to stop caring about them, individually and collectively. I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.

Fear not, though.  Walker-Barnes doesn't want to hate all white people.  She's quite fond of woke whites, like the lunatic women who were omnipresent during the George Floyd riots.  She also, quite rightly, has no regard for the genuine racists who hark back to the glory years of the Democrat party in the hundred years after the Civil War.

I'm sorry to say, though, that if you're reading this post, she really believes that you deserve to be hated:

My prayer is that you would help me to hate the other White people — you know, the nice ones. The Fox News–loving, Trump-supporting voters who "don't see color" but who make thinly veiled racist comments about "those people." The people who are happy to have me over for dinner but alert the neighborhood watch anytime an unrecognized person of color passes their house. The people who welcome Black people in their churches and small groups but brand us as heretics if we suggest that Christianity is concerned with the poor and the oppressed. The people who politely tell us that we can leave when we call out the racial microaggressions we experience in their ministries.

Regarding the neighborhood watch, this true story is illuminating.  Also, being "concerned with the poor and the oppressed," does not mean Marxism is the answer.  And finally, I suspect that a woman as obsessed with race and sex as Walker-Barnes lives in a cloud of microaggressions.

After whining for several more paragraphs about awful white people ("Let me see them as hopelessly unrepentant, reprobate bigots who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and who need to be handed over to the evil one"), Walker-Barnes wearily concedes that God has a plan for her by leaving in her that little spark of love and hope that all white people can become woke.

The whole essay, frankly, is disgusting.  It's quite clear that Walker-Barnes does hate white people.  She is a classic racist: without bothering to know anything about white people, she looks at their skin color and, unless they grovel before her, concludes that they are evil.  I doubt Target knew about the prayer in that book, but now that they know, they ought to remove it from their shelves.

Image: Page from Prayer of a Weary Black Woman.  Twitter screen grab.

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