Fighting back against Critical Race Theory and other leftist ideas

Now that leftist activists, especially those espousing Critical Race Theory (CRT), have successfully overtaken big corporations, they're setting their sights on smaller organizations.  For every business-owner, that's a terrifying thought.  However, a woman named Grace, who runs a Christian-themed organization that helps train mental health professionals around the world, created a Twitter thread explaining both how CRT and other socialist activism began pervading her company and how she and her husband fought back against it.  It's an illuminating narrative, both because it shows how pervasive woke activism is and that we can fight it.

I don't particularly enjoy reading long Twitter threads.  I've therefore included here the first and last posts in the thread, with all the in-between parts of the narrative in plain text.

The Woke Mob: my survival story

My husband and I co-founded a justice-oriented non-profit org 11 years ago. At the time, we knew nothing about Critical Social Justice or Critical Theory. Our motivation was to address disparities in mental health care.

We'd learned that lay people (ppl without clinical training) made up the majority of trauma care providers around the world working with vulnerable populations (refugees, human trafficking survivors, etc). We wanted to help equip those lay people with good resources.

We hired clinically trained mental health professionals to develop our curriculum, oversee MEL, and run the international training program. Everything went great for about 7 years. We got accolades from all the right people in academia and partnered with orgs in 50+ countries.

Then a few years ago we noticed a tone shift among our program staff. They became hyper-critical of everything. As Executive Director, my husband felt he was always on trial. Every word and action was scrutinized. We couldn't figure out where this was coming from.

We noticed shared rhetoric among the staff. Terms we heard often:
"systems of power and oppression"
"marginalized identities"
Didn't understand the ideology behind it, started doing some reading.

Then the open letters started. The letters always went to everyone in the org (from the graphic designer to the governing board), they always asserted vaguely that the organization was "causing harm," and they always ended with demands. We were alarmed and confused.

We began having all-org sessions trying to discern what was happening and what was needed. It was quickly apparent there were no specific actions or incidents that could be deemed harmful. The accusations were always vague and abstract, about "identities", "systems," etc.

What also became apparent quickly was they didn't want to resolve any real harm. They wanted control of the organization. They stated explicitly my husband was incapable of running an org that addresses trauma (an org he founded!) bc he's straight, white, male, and Christian.

That's when I learned to fight. I'd been doing my homework for a while. Thanks to people like @NeilShenvi@ConceptualJames@wokal_distance@WokeTemple@D_B_Harrison and @realchrisrufo, I knew what we were facing. It was an attempted woke subversion of the organization.

I wrote organizational position papers on how Critical Social Justice compromised our work by being in direct conflict with a number of our organizational commitments, namely, being evidence-based, valuing the individual, cultural humility, and allowing for true diversity.

Maybe I shouldn't be proud of it, but I also learned to use their woke rules against them. When a staff member said I couldn't speak to a topic bc I'm straight, I told her it was wrong of her to assume about my sexuality just bc I'm married to a man. She immediately groveled.

After some months, when it was clear to them we wouldn't budge, the ones making demands left "on moral grounds," accusing us of every phobia and calling the org "white supremacist." We've always partnered with ppl of every ethnicity, creed and identity, so this is laughable.

Having survived an attempted power grab and character assassination by a woke mob, I'll say it's painful to be mistreated by ppl you trusted. But if you care more about maintaining your integrity than what people think or say about you, you'll emerge with your dignity intact.

Don't apologize for vague accusations of "harm." It's not a fair fight. They don't want dialogue. Expose their inconsistencies — show how their demands won't achieve what they claim to care about (helping the poor, etc). It'll require some reading and a lot of courage.

If you don't fight this nonsense now, wherever it's showing up in your community, there'll be nothing good, true, or beautiful to defend soon. We will be ruled by lies and power while being told we're progressing toward truth and justice.

Hat tip: Twitchy.

Image: Zombies by cottonbro from Pexels, edited by Andrea Widburg.

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