Governor Phil Scott, racist

Vermont's Governor Phil Scott, an "enlightened" RINO, previously condemned all Vermonters as backwoods racists and all Trump-supporters as white supremacists, joined those who label all Vermont police as racists based on manipulated statistics, and also exempted Black Lives Matter protesters from COVID restrictions while shutting down conservative political rallies.  Now he is calling Vermonters racists yet again:

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott has condemned the "racist response" to his administration's decision to make Black, indigenous, and people of color of any age eligible for a coronavirus vaccine before residents of other races.

As Thomas Sowell explains in Discrimination and Disparities (p. 23), age is a better determinant of wealth than race.  In Vermont, this is evident in numbers that show that BIPOC residents have lower home ownership and incomes than older whites — age explains those differences better than race (though another factor is that significant numbers of BIPOC have relocated to Vermont, including from foreign lands as impoverished immigrants, and this has greatly skewed Vermont's statistics — but that is another story).  But in Vermont, this clear factual evidence is swept under the ideological carpet in favor of narratives that paint whitey as ubiquitous oppressor.

Scott perceives he is "rescuing" BIPOC people when in fact he is killing old white Vermonters using a warped ideology that also distorts scientific evidence.  Old white Vermonters are more at risk of mortality than young blacks, and Vermont's demographics show that blacks are younger than whites (again, those new arrivals).  Providing COVID vaccinations to the old in priority over the young is consistent with sound medical science; providing it to young BIPOC in preference to old whites is the opposite, and bases medical decisions on a racist ideology that is increasingly revealed to cause more new inequities than it eliminates (see Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice).

Says Scott:

Unfortunately, the legacy of racism in America, and in Vermont, still drives a lot of anger and fear. Recently, my office, the Health department and those hardworking individuals getting us vaccinated, have been subjected to vitriolic and inappropriate comments in social media and other forums regarding this decision. This too is unacceptable. And it is evidence that many Americans, and many Vermonters, still have a lot to learn about the impacts of racism in our country and how it has influenced public policy over the years.

Notice how facts — why white old people should medically stand in line behind 16-year-old blacks — and the law — Bakke and other decisions — are both avoided: complaining is "not acceptable."  This is evidence that Vermont's governor does not comprehend the science or the law, or why calling everybody a racist and playing the victim is growing tiresome.

Incorporating the obligatory George Floyd invocation, the governor carried the social justice game one more step:

And to my fellow Vermonters who find themselves the target of these comments and actions of prejudice, please know that we stand with you. Do not be intimidated by the hate speech. Do not allow these comments of racism to keep you from getting vaccinated or from anything you deserve as members of the Vermont community.

When white Vermonters sue the state because of dead loved ones killed by Governor Scott's unconstitutional race-based decision, and invoke Bakke and other existing legal precedents, will Governor Scott malign them as racists?

It is not racist hate speech to challenge Governor Scott's patently racist, medically spurious, unilaterally declared edicts, which threaten elderly Vermonters with a miserable death.  More and more Vermonters are standing up bravely to ask these logical (and legal) questions — refusal to answer them will no longer be tolerated.

Calling Vermonters and their history "racist" is not an effective evasion of accountability to science and the Constitution. 

Image: U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Sarah Mattison.

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