Let the People celebrate

It is time to declare victory in this war, celebrate, and give thanks.  For over a year, we have followed our governments' guidelines and orders and victory is in our grasp.  We have that vaccine — actually, three of them with more on the way.  Cases are dropping.  Death rates are falling.  The hospitals are not overrun.  The cases that are occurring are less severe.  Treatments are available that did not even exist a year ago.  We may be approaching that elusive herd immunity.

We put our nation on a wartime footing and people responded with extraordinary compliance.  We followed the mask mandates, stood six feet apart behind Plexiglas shields, and walked one-way down store aisles.  We abandoned schools, cruises, vacations, sporting events, and concerts.  We stayed in our homes.  We protected the most vulnerable among us.  We did what we were asked to do.  It is cruel to deny us a victory.

Businesses have suffered, and many have failed in this war.  They spent extraordinary time and money to stay in business and provide the goods and services needed.  They expanded curbside and delivery services.  The concept of contact-free personal service has become common.

Our medical professionals have been on the front lines.  They went to battle when the dangers were not yet understood.  They learned daily lessons about what worked and what did not.  They were innovative and adaptable.  In just a few weeks, the medical providers switched from the regular care of prevention and treatment to a full-on effort at COVID treatment and eradication.  Entire hospitals were cleared of non-essential procedures to accept COVID patients.  We built temporary hospitals.  Military hospitals were deployed in our larger cities.  This was all done to build a bulletproof infrastructure to treat the victims that were expected to be in the millions with more than two million deaths.

Vaccines were developed in record time.  The usual slog of government process was eliminated or greatly reduced.  The government bought vaccines that were not approved so they would be ready for distribution on the day of approval.  The logistics of distribution and implementation were in place from day one of availability.  This weapon was sent to the front as soon as it was available.

We made progress early.  The predicted vast casualties did not occur, but the long war was still devastating.  Vast numbers of people became ill, and many died.  There was isolation from loved ones and added grief when we could not be with those that were ill or dying.  In many states, older people in nursing facilities were hit the hardest.

Most of this is now behind us.  It is time to declare victory and celebrate.

When World War II was over, there were victory celebrations for VE Day and VJ Day.  Our leaders let us know that all the hard work, the death, and the pain were ending.  It was time to celebrate.  An official declaration of an end to a crisis is necessary.  It is as necessary as the preparation and the battle.  Celebration and thanksgiving are necessary to recovery.

In 1945, though the fighting was over, there was still work to be done.  My father-in-law served his time in Germany's post-war occupation.  There were trials and a Marshal Plan to implement.  A good friend of mine served part of his time in Hiroshima with the occupation.  For years, remnants of the Japanese army would be found in the islands of the Pacific.  Nevertheless, in both theaters, we celebrated then we went back to work in the effort to rebuild.

The Biden administration, rather than demanding more masks and saying things are "scary," should take the victory and announce it to the American people.  Declare an official day of celebration and a day of thanksgiving and then set out to build back what we destroyed.  This is an executive order that the majority will support.  Our schools need to be open.  Our businesses need restoration.  Our people need comfort.  There is still work to be done, but the war should be declared over.

What we are doing is cruel.  People know that they have won this thing.  They see the numbers.  They know that the new life of this spring is a vast contrast to the impending disaster of a year ago.  People are lining up by the millions to get the vaccines without individual cost.  They see some states opening back up.  People are beginning to drop the masks.  To deprive them of the victory they know they fought for and won is an insult, and the people know it.

C'mon, man — do the right thing.  Declare victory.  We will celebrate and give thanks to God for His blessings.  Then we will help clean up the mess that was made.  It is what Americans do.

Image: Americans celebrating image by rawpixel.

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