One county and COVID

Our federal, state and local governments have been deliberately deceitful about the necessity of school closures.  From the numbers provided by Contra Costa County, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, we can weigh the shattering costs of the mental, physical, and emotional damage done to our K–12 children against the possible lives saved.  Here are the facts, without the usual bureaucratic statistical obfuscations, so you may draw your own conclusions.

Here are the COVID deaths in Contra Costa County by age groups.  Please note that only 5.6% of the Contra Costa's total population tested positive for COVID.

  • Over 90 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is an astonishing 27.1%.
  • 81 to 90 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is a horrendous 16.0%.
  • 71 to 80 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is a terrible 7.0%.
  • 61 to 70 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is an unacceptable 2.5%.
  • 51 to 60 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is still an unacceptable 0.72%.
  • 41 to 50 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is 0.20%.
  • 31 to 40 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is 0.076%.
  • 19 to 30 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID, the death rate is 0.0069%.
  • 13 to 18 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID. the death rate is 0.0231%.
  • 5 to 12 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID the death rate is 0.0%.
  • Newborn to 4 years of age, if you tested positive for COVID the death rate is 0.0%.

From newborn to 18 years of age, there was one death from COVID in the entire county since this pandemic started.  So, for the entire county population from newborn to 18 years old (around 259,900 youngsters), the death rate was an unbelievably low 0.00038%.

My two primary conclusions are pretty straightforward, especially as I gaze into the rearview mirror.  Those folks 60 and older absolutely needed to stay isolated due to the higher death rates.  School-age students, K–12, were in no danger from COVID, nor were the teachers and staff under 50 years of age.  Those teachers and staff over 50 years old should have been allowed to make a choice as to whether to work or not.

As this pandemic winds down, we should look closely at the severity that COVID inflicted on our populations.  And we must never forget the horrific self-serving, destructive, and unconstitutional authoritarianism our federal and state governments inflicted upon us during the past fourteen months.

Image: Pixabay,

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