VP Harris is hiding because she's got nothing to say

President Biden is leading the league in not answering questions.  V.P. Harris is not doing much better.  As you may remember, Biden put V.P. Harris in charge of the border situation.  So far, Harris has said nothing at all, as we are reminded in this report from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris' relative silence regarding the topics of immigration and border security — since taking on an oversight role on those issues — continued to draw more media scrutiny Saturday.

It was the 18th day that Harris went without holding a news conference regarding her duties on the issues, since receiving the assignment from President Biden.

On Saturday, the Washington Examiner published an article headlined, "Kamala Harris MIA on border crisis." It recapped the vice president's recent travels to Connecticut, California and Illinois on matters unrelated to the migrant situation along the southern border.

Where is Madam Vice President?  I don't know for sure, but let me give you a couple of thoughts:

First, the vice president was blindsided.  It was probably Biden thinking out loud.  I think they would have done a joint press conference, and Harris would have done most of the talking.  In this case, I think she literally learned about it on the spot.

Second, Harris has nothing to add to the story.  In fact, this is a lose-lose situation for her.  I don't think she wants to be administration spokeswoman on a policy that makes no sense.

V.P. Harris is not missing in action.  She does not want to be in any kind of action.  She'd rather have the press secretary deal with this while she waits her turn to assume the presidency.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Pixabay.

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