Biden's restaurant rescue plan blatantly discriminates against White males

White males go to the back of the line in applying for funds to rescue their bars, restaurants, and other venues eligible for federal relief for the impact of the coronavirus lockdown.  This violates the equal protection under the law requirements of the United States Constitution, but it is nonetheless ongoing right now.

John Binder of Breitbart writes:

As part of Biden's American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is opening the application process by which owners of restaurant, bars, and other venues can apply for federal relief to help make up for the loss of revenue as a result of economic lockdowns spurred by the Chinese coronavirus crisis.(snip)

The relief, though, is being prioritized based on race, gender, and whether or not business owners are considered "socially and economically disadvantaged individuals." White men, for example, who are not Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, are not eligible for "priority period" processing and funding.

Under the guidelines of the RRF, the SBA is giving priority processing and funding to "small business owned by women, veterans, or socially and economically disadvantaged individuals."

Screen grabs from the website reveal the blatant discrimination:

Here is what it takes to be "disadvantaged" under Biden's program and thereby become advantaged over white males, who are thus disadvantaged.                                                                                           

The Biden administration is defining businesses owned by "socially and economically disadvantaged" individuals as those who are:

  • Part of an "economically disadvantaged Indian tribe"
  • "Subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias"
  • Black American
  • Hispanic American
  • Native American, including Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian
  • Asian Pacific American
  • Subcontinent Asian American

This ought to, and probably will, be challenged in court.  But unless the plaintiffs are able to find a judge willing to issue a restraining order, their businesses may well fold and vanish before the case is finally adjudicated.  And if victory is obtained, what then?  The advantaged-disadvantaged minority owners who got preference will not be forced to pay back their funds.  The White males who lost their businesses will not be able to keep them alive — too late for that.

So what is the goal of Biden's plan?

I suppose it is an understanding of "equity" that involves penalizing White males and driving them out of business as competitors to favored groups.

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