Canada ignores COVID restrictions for pro-Hamas protests

May and June 2020 in America witnessed a very bizarre phenomenon: The same jurisdictions that had locked down completely, banning church services and shopping for flower seeds, all to prevent COVID’s spread, announced that massive BLM rallies, riots, and eventual looting were inconsequential when it came to COVID. This May, Canada has done something similar. The same nation that’s been fanatically hostile to liberty because of COVID has dropped its regulations for pro-Hamas rallies. It’s the magic of leftist “science” all over again.

Canada has gone crazy (there’s no other way to put it) when it comes to the quixotic effort to stop COVID’s spread. Despite its low COVID death rate, Canada has made every effort to stop religious worship within its borders, going so far as to arrest a pastor for daring to hold services. It’s been pursuing anti-maskers with KGB-esque vigor and just recently ticketed dozens of people who attended an anti-lockdown protest. It’s also extorting people who had the temerity to travel abroad and then return home, mandating that they stay in select, and often very expensive, hotels for three nights to “quarantine.”

In other words, Canada is still living like America in spring 2020. And just like America in spring 2020, Canada has an exception to all the rules. In America, the exception was for BLM protests. The same people who had been telling us that salvation lay with stopping the economy and embracing solitary confinement for every American, suddenly announced that BLM rallies and riots weren’t too big a risk. Then, magically, when President Trump announced he would resume rallies, the Democrats’ so-called “scientists” again fretted about crowds and COVID.

In Canada, the exception is Hamas. A large pro-Hamas rally in Edmonton attracted hundreds of people, none of whom seem to have been bothered by the COVID police or disapproving journalists. Instead, we get this supportive reporting:

This isn’t the first large-scale rally supporting Palestinians in Edmonton in the past week. People from all walks of life have been out offering support, according to Mousa Qasqas.

“There’s been so much outreach from the community saying, ‘We want more, we want to hold our politicians accountable.’”

Calgary also had large rallies which met with the approval of Canada’s state media, the CBC:

Around 400 demonstrators met at Calgary's Olympic Plaza, before marching through downtown.


It was the latest after at least three other large protests in support of Palestinians held in the city.

On Friday, Tucker Carlson devoted an entire episode to the degradation of science under the aegis of leftists. Whether it’s transgenderism, climate change, or COVID, scientists no longer follow the scientific method, one that sees them propose a theory, subject it to rigorous testing, and abandon it if the scientific method proves it untrue.

Nowadays, scientists in all woke Western countries, including America, subscribe to the “political method” – they determine which outcome will support their political ideology and then retrofit the “science” to fit, no matter how brutally they must mutilate the facts. We have returned to the science of the Dark Ages, before the Renaissance and the Enlightenment brought rigor and honesty to the process.

IMAGE: Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, an extremely important chemist, whom the French socialist revolutionaries sent to the guillotine in 1794, shown with his wife, Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze in a portrait by Jacques-Louis David (detail). Public domain.

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