President Bush is right to blame the criminal elements

Former President George W. Bush is on a book tour.  I have not read the book but do plan to check it out.

President Bush made a lot of sense when he spoke about the border crisis and the people profiting from it.  This is what he said:

"I'm sure they're telling them falsehoods — 'follow me, I'll get you in' — and these poor people have no way of checking that out and are finding themselves stuck at the border," Bush said. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced last week it encountered more than 178,000 migrants in April, a jump of over 900% compared to April 2020. CBP encountered 178,622 migrants in April trying to enter the U.S., a 3% increase over the 172,000 encountered the previous month, which had been the highest number in 20 years. 

"What you're seeing is a border that reflects a broken system, and there needs to be changes," he continued. "There need to be changes in work visas, so people don't have to sneak in to do work that needs to be done in America; there need to be changes in the asylum system to be able to adjudicate cases quickly." 

He added: "And what people have got to understand is that a broken system makes it harder to enforce the border. A reformed system will make it easier to enforce the border, and so that is what has to happen." 

We can agree or disagree with some of what he said.  However, I am happy that President Bush is talking about the people bringing them to the border and making money out of it.

Biden's border policy has two major flaws:

First, you don't open the border during a pandemic.  That's just common sense!

Second, you don't open the border without knowing that criminal elements would create the "transportation" system to bring illegals up north.  Another aspect is that we don't really know what their families in the U.S. are going to end up paying.  My guess is that a lot of people being brought to the border are making a "down payment," and the balance is due on the U.S. side.  In other words, there are going to be people in our cities collecting that balance, and it won't be by phone or letters.  They will knock on the door and expect to be paid.

So thank you, President Bush, for calling out the smugglers and exposing the real flaw of Biden's border policy.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Tomascastelazo.

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