AG Merrick Garland threatens 2020 ballot audits

It sure looks like a lot of people are very nervous about the audits of ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election.  Yesterday, the attorney general of the United States, Merrick Garland, announced that the DOJ is "applying scrutiny" to post-election audits and will offer "guidance."

A slightly more complete transcript:

"We are scrutinizing new laws that seek to curb voter access and where we see violations we will not hesitate to act," he said. "We are also scrutinizing current laws and practices in order to determine whether they discredit against black voters and other voters of color. Particularly concerning with in this regard are several studies showing that in some jurisdictions nonwhite voters must wait in line substantially longer than white voters to cast their ballots."

"The Department of Justice will apply the same scrutiny to postelection audits, according to Garland, to make sure the election reviews fall in line with federal laws meant to protect records and guard against voter intimidation," the Epoch Times reported.

There is a ton of sickening irony in Garland's implicit threat to auditors.  At Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft lists some of the egregiously suspicious activities during the counting of ballots Election Night that the Department of Justice refused to investigate — things like expelling visitors, covering up windows, and then being caught on surveillance cameras pulling suitcases out and running ballots through machines.

 If the election was so honest, what does anyone have to fear from an audit?  It would only confirm the integrity of the results.  But instead of welcoming confirmation of the results that would be expected if everything had been properly handled, Democrats, NeverTrumps, and the agitprop media are escalating their rhetoric while offering zero substance to their objections to the audit.

Consider this tweet by Liz Cheney (retweeted by NeverTrump Jonah Goldberg) that nonsensically alleges that subversion of democracy is underway with an audit.

Others focus on the "secretive" donors who are helping defray the costs of the audit, repeating the mantra that suspicions are "baseless."  The agitprop media have already labeled disputes over the election integrity "The Big Lie" but refuse to support developing evidence of that integrity.

A company that declines to audit its financial statements would get into serious trouble with the SEC and would be delisted from stock exchanges, and undoubtedly sued by shareholders.  But somehow, auditing an election is purported to be an attack on democracy.

Sorry, but intimidating those who develop evidence of electoral fraud is the real threat to democracy, worthy of a banana republic.

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab.

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